What would be the link you would use to access your Nitrous.io VNCserver?
for Koding it would be: (username).koding.io
What would it be for Nitrous.io?
Forms Using web.show_document I see different behavior when running the Forms using Java Plugin (JPI) or using Java Webstart (JWS).
Same form, when run using JPI, web.show_document tries to open: http://server:port/forms/ + (uri you send in web.show_document ('uri').
That same form, when run using JWS, tries to open: http://server:port/forms/java/ + (uri you send in web.show_document('uri')
1.- JWS uses as base url http://server:port/forms/java, while JPI http://server:port/forms/
Do you know the reason? I have a testcase and reproduce internally....I see no differences in configuration between JPI and JWS config.
2.- Another option to solve this could be use a different web.show_document call depending on wheter form is being run using JPI or JWS..... Is there a way to check at runtime if forms is being run using JWS or JPI?
I don't see it possible using get_application_property().
Thanks in advance.
Using below code solved my problem:
The Error
*polyfills.js:3050 GET https://localhost:9002/rest/v2/powertools/cms/pages?fields=DEFAULT&pageType=ContentPage&pageLabelOrId=/checkout&lang=en&curr=USD 404*
I am not able to perform checkout on both of my local powertools and electronics sites. The Chrome console log complains about the error shown above. Also, I have tried opening the given link in a new tab and it says No content page found matching the provided label or id: /checkout. Checked the WCMS Pages in my local Backoffice, I couldn't find any page with label or id as "checkout".
Could it be that I have to setup my local with the b2c_for_spartacus? (I have setup mine with b2c_b2b_acc_oms recipe instead)
Have you installed your SAP Commerce instance with the Spartacus Sample Data AddOn? The standard Powertools data setup will not include this, but the additions in spartacussampleadataaddon do. Please see links/instructions in https://sap.github.io/cloud-commerce-spartacus-storefront-docs/installing-sap-commerce-cloud/
If installed/setup correctly you should have a content page with UID=Checkout in the powertools-spaContentCatalog content catalog
Camunda by default register under context path '/lib','/app' and '/api' (e.g. camunda cockpit). Problem here is that I need change these to something like '/camunda/*'.
Any idea where to change it? From the source code it rather seems to be hardcoded.
Thank you
In spring boot you can influence the context path via application.properties/application.yaml using:
context-path: /camunda
So right now I am trying to see the information that comes out of the following command in to command prompt (cmd):
netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name="TestFirewallUpdateSettings" profile=any
The output I get is:
Rule Name: TestFirewallUpdateSettings
Enabled: Yes Direction:
In Profiles: Domain,Private,Public
Grouping: LocalIP: Any RemoteIP:
Any Protocol: Any Edge traversal:
No Action: Allow
What I want is to just read the In Profiles section using vb.net and wondering if there is a API that will do what I am asking for?
Yes, there is. You could go and create your own interop assembly in order to access the objects - INetFwPolicy2 in particular - in the system's COM based FirewallApi.dll. Check this SO thread for details. I did this in the past (Windows 7) and it worked like a charm.
Also, there is a WMI name space - ROOT\SecurityCenter2 - which is supposed to provide info about firewall amongst other things. However it wasn't well documented and I failed to enumerate it through C# although I can see it through various WMI browser tools.
You can also check the new Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Common.INetFwPolicy2. It seems to do the same job as the manually created interop assembly.
I would like to use a custom module for which I require "hostname" so that I can initiate SSH connection from the custom module and run commands. So I pass transport = "local" to the Runner object. However, I find no way to obtain "hostname" information in the custom module.
I am using Ansible 1.9.2 using Python API.
A module only has the information available that was explicitly passed to it. What you might be interested in instead is an action plugin, which by (non-exisiting) definition runs local on the control machine and has access to more (all?) data.
You can see some action plugin code here: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/tree/devel/lib/ansible/plugins/action
PS: Don't you want to upgrade to Ansible 2 before getting started writing custom modules/plugins? The API changed completely and once you upgrade you have to rewrite you module/plugin.
Okay, silly me. It's exactly the same way in the API too. You can extract hostname using {{ inventory_hostname }}.