Import depth time conversion(.avf) file into Petrel - velocity

I have been struggling with finding a way to import a time-depth conversion (.avf) file into Petrel. Have any of you experienced this? Would you please give me a hint ?
Thank you very much !!


pyinstaller error. I have no Idea what is wrong

I build a program using pyqt5 and now I try to encoding into one single file using pyinstaller. But some error drives me crazy (see below picture). I don't know what to do. please give me some idea and solution~

Decompile Pyc to py fast

I need to know if there is any way to transform a pyc file back into py. I tried decomplyle3 and decompyle6 but they didn't work. Also I was looking for a quick solution.
Thanks for your help.

using Exomisere structure to modify an MVStore

i am currently trying to figure out how i can append my own data to the MVStore that the Exomiser uses.
So the MVStore is accessed like
MVMap alleleMap = mvStore.openMap("alleles");
So i tried to rebuild the Allelekey and Property classes but there are so much dependencies that it takes like forever. Can i somehow access the Exomiser structures? Like import them as a library in Intellij or something? How do i do that?
Thank you for your time. All help is appreciated.
Best Regards,

from tensorflow.core.example import example_pb2

I am trying to understand the tensorflow source. I find the line
from tensorflow.core.example import example_pb2
in several examples. Yet if I go to that directory in tensorflow/tensorflow/core/ i cannot comprehend where example_pb2 is supposed to be defined. Would be thankful for any hints.

How do I use the batch ultility of Graphics Magick?

I'm sure that my mistake is plain simple. I'm fair new to this application and after seeing the online help for batch I copy and paste the code for jpg conversion (to tiff) and it didn't work. The error it gives is: "gm: unrecognized command 'for'. Use help ... " and I don't get it, isn't batch utily this for (the use of shell script)? If someone can copy a simple script for this porpouse it will help me a lot. Thanks
PD: Sorry for my english
This blog post gives a deeper explanation of how GM batch mode works. Try out the examples there should help you to understand the examples used in the online help.