sencha touch loading spinner not animating in ios 9 - sencha-touch

My sencha touch application built with cordova 3.6.0.In iOS<=8 sencha touch loading mask(Ext.LoadMask) worked absolutely fine. After release of iOS9, LoadMask is not animating at all, instead it just struck. Ajax requests are working but loading spinning is not animating.
Thanks in advance.

Faced the same issue
Removing the '-ms-' from #keyframes had fixed the issue for me.
Use this css:
#keyframes x-loading-spinner-rotate{0%{transform:rotate(0deg)}8.32%{transform:rotate(0deg)}8.33%{transform:rotate(30deg)}16.65%{transform:rotate(30deg)}16.66%{transform:rotate(60deg)}24.99%{transform:rotate(60deg)}25%{transform:rotate(90deg)}33.32%{transform:rotate(90deg)}33.33%{transform:rotate(120deg)}41.65%{transform:rotate(120deg)}41.66%{transform:rotate(150deg)}49.99%{transform:rotate(150deg)}50%{transform:rotate(180deg)}58.32%{transform:rotate(180deg)}58.33%{transform:rotate(210deg)}66.65%{transform:rotate(210deg)}66.66%{transform:rotate(240deg)}74.99%{transform:rotate(240deg)}75%{transform:rotate(270deg)}83.32%{transform:rotate(270deg)}83.33%{transform:rotate(300deg)}91.65%{transform:rotate(300deg)}91.66%{transform:rotate(330deg)}100%{transform:rotate(330deg)}}


interact.js disable native scoll

I would like develop a VueJS swip cards app but interactJS disable the y-axis native scroll on mobile. I reproduce my app on this codepen :
I can't scroll anymore on mobile. A solution ?
The shorter url :
Remove these two lines of CSS from your code, and the scrolling issue should be gone.
-ms-touch-action: none;
touch-action: none;
For these two lines, your touches are being ignored.

Sencha Touch 2.4.1, bug with iPhone scrolling

A bug appeared after I upgraded the sencha touch fw from 2.3 to 2.4.2.
From time to time, when I scroll down or up the application, all the page scroll, and a black screen appear up or down...
This issue i random on iPhone.
Some people already experimented this issue ?
Thank you !
We have investigate this issue.
This issue appear when we try to scroll a list and some link are in the item template.
Scrolling with a finger on the link make the screen moves, scrolling with a finger outside the link the list scroll normally.
For the moment, as the application is in production, we just downgrade sencha to 2.3.1, and it's working.
So we stick on sencha 2.3.1 for the moment, and try to address the issue later.

ScrollView UI Issue in ios 7

I am new to ios 7. I have to create an iPhone App which supports ios version 6.0.I created an Empty Application and I am using StoryBoard for designing UI's.
This is the screen that is generated in ios 6.1.3. On landscape mode the design is :
I am unable to see the field Firstname and its textfield.I haven't used AutoLayout.Here is the design View in xib.
It should support both the landscape and portrait orientations.How Can I do that?
In ios 7, the same UI in simulator is :
Please help me to solve this UI Issue...
You have to uncheck the Adjust ScrollView Insets, like this to solve that issue of not showing firstname textfield.
and your other problem will be solved by using autolayout.
you need to set every view controller to edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone for iOS7 version. If you set this the component alignment will be proper as per iOS6 version.
Hope this may be helpful

In Xcode my UIButton is centered, however when I build and run the app it isn't. How do I fix this?

In Xcode my UIButton is centered and locked in the right place using the grids but when I run the app I'm building from a tutorial I'm following the button is slightly to the right.
Is there a quick fix for this other than shifting the button to the left in Xcode until it's centered in simulator which is pointless because the guides in Xcode are there to help so I'd like to take advantage of them and not need to do this.
Make sure you have unchecked the use Autolayout option for your Xib.
if is horizontal centered image, try like this:
ps: make sure that the parent view of the UIButton is also centered in the screen
After updating XCode I realised the issue was that XCode was launching ios simulator for 3.5inch iphone. I changed the device to iphone 4inch retina and this fixed the issue.

Using drag events to move scroll bar in Sencha Touch 2.0

I have an app I have deployed to the iOS and Android stores. Now I am taking the same thing and building a version that also works on the desktop in Chrome/Safari. For this I used the code in this thread
to fix the scrolling and now need to figure out how to fix the scroll bar to support dragging and dropping. Any pointers on how this could be accomplished - am going to try to figure it out, but if someone has done it before that would help.
I initially tried to go down the ExtJS path for the desktop app, but found that there are enough differences between the two frameworks that it becomes pretty expensive to develop and maintain, so want to put out a V1 out there quickly and then figure out how to handle this in the long term if I have enough interest to put out one for IE and FireFox - and with desktop based controls.
Normally the scroll bar in sencha touch will be hide by default and fade out after you finish dragging a long list or a panel... If you want to make your scroll bar always visible you can set this in your css or scss file:
.x-tabpanel .x-scroll-indicator {
opacity: 0.5 !important;
z-index: 0; // Make scroll bar draggable
Maybe I'm understand your question wrongly but hope it helps :)