why .xap file in not displaying in install local apps - windows-phone

I'm developing an app for windows phone. But I am facing an issue that my App doesn't displayed after I copy the file into the root folder of SD card.


How do I open an expo project

I changed computer and I no longer have the folder with my expo app, but I saved it on the official site and I have all my projects. how do i change the app?
I can't edit the app anymore

Does dist folder in adobe air desktop application created by compiling application, then how?

I am new to adobe air desktop app. The code that I have got from client from git does not contain dist folder, I want to know that if this folder is created by compiling the app or should be provided by client.

Worklight: Do the legal documents gets installed with the app?

Environment: Worklight
We have created a hybrid app using Worklight 6.1 for android, iOS and windows8 platform. We would like to include license documents and notices files as part of the app. To do this, we would like to know, if including these documents inside the "legal" folder (under application name folder) and installing the app on the device, will also install these license documents on the device ?
I browse through the android app, but didn't found these documents as part of the build.
The legal folder is not part of the generated Android project because it has no value there. The native project will become your .apk - the file that you distribute to your end-users. The license is of no use there; your customer cannot see it.

Downloading a deployed app packaged from a Windows Phone device

I've recently had some data loss. I would like to be able to download my compiled app package that I have deployed on my phone. I haven't been able to download the app package that I have uploaded in the store (as they are nearly identical), so if there is a way to do that, that would be amenable as well.
Is there a way to download the app package from a device or from the Store page?
Edit: I should note that by "Store Page" I mean "App Submission Page".
You can download the xap file manually from the application's store page. For example, I have a game that I haven't updated in forever (forgive me) :)
Number Munchers XL
Scroll down to the very bottom on the left side of the page, and you will see
Download and install manually
Learn more
Click on that and you should be greeted with a XAP file download.

iTunes file sharing with iOS device on windows

I have modified my info.plist with "Application supports iTunes file sharing" = YES.
File sharing is working perfectly fine when using a Mac machine, but if I save a file on a windows machine, it gives me a blank file (0 kb data). iTunes shows me the correct size for the file.
I am using the latest version of iTunes.
Any ideas on how to resolve this?