send total sum to cross tab stimulsoft report - sum

I have a Cross-Tab report in Stimul-Soft Reports.
In Data Grouping process, if I have more than one Grouping parameter (raw), there's error in the total sum of columns.
So I want to send the total sum of each columns to the report.
Please help me about this problem.


SUM results is multiplying by number of rows

I'm creating a crystal report from several tables.
One table has fields that I want to have sum totals on, but these sum fields are being distorted by number of rows from another table. There are no fields other than DocEntry that I can link with between the two tables.
Here, total bales is repeating 4 times:
If I sum the field total bales, instead of showing 12 the result is 48:
Please assist.
Insert a Group on DocEntry.
Add a Running Total that sums Bales but evaluates only on change of group.

Tableau combining rows with the same info

I have a dashboard in Tableau which shows different payments received - the amount, the date the payment was received, and a calculated field which shows the number days since the payment was received.
However, a lot of payments are the same, with the same amount, and received on the same day; so Tableau collapses these together, and adds the total days since the payments were received together in the final column, i.e. five lots of £5.50, each received on 1st January shows as below (as of 01/02/2018)
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
£5.50 01/01/2018 155
But I need separate rows for each. Does anyone know how to stop tableau doing this, or of a workaround?
Many thanks.
You could try using RANK_UNIQUE function.
First of all, in the Analysis Menu, uncheck Aggregate Measures.
Then, starting from this data:
You can get this result:
Additionally, you may want to hide Rank from rows just not-showing header.
Is this something close to what you're looking for?
In order to get all values and not just for the top rows, just move the Rank at the very beginning of the shelf:

How do I compute an average of calculated averages in MS reportviewer/rdlc?

I've searched here and elsewhere on the web and have not found this exact problem/solution.
I'm building an rdlc report using the MS reportViewer - the report I'm creating is based on an existing spreadsheet where the average price across 6 months is calculated individually for each month, then the average of those prices is calculated as the 6 month period average price. Whether I agree with that methodology or if it's correct is irrelevant, I just need to know how to get an rdlc to do this.
For example:
Month Price1 Price2 Delta
May-12 $31.54 $30.03 $1.51
Jun-12 $36.27 $34.60 $1.67
Jul-12 $44.19 $42.00 $2.19
Aug-12 $38.96 $37.06 $1.90
Sep-12 $36.89 $35.08 $1.81
Oct-12 $35.57 $33.97 $1.60
Average $37.24 $35.46 $1.78
(sorry for the lack of a screen snip, I'm new and the system won't let me post an image...)
I've created a tablix that does the monthly averages computation - I use a group in the table to group the 6 months of data by month (and then hide the hourly price data so you only see the month total row) but I'm stuck on how to calculate the bottom row of the table which is the average of each column. (the average of the averages is not the same as the average of all 6 months of prices from the underlying data - that's what I've learned in this process... IOW, that was my first solution :-) )
What I tried to do to get the average of the averages was give the month total cell a name, MonthlyAvgPrice1, then in the bottom row, used this expression:
As I kind of expected, this didn't work, when I try to run the report, it gets a build error saying "The Value expression for the textrun 'Price1PeriodAvg.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]' uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers."
Hopfully I've explained this well, does anyone know how to do this?
Actually it is not clear from the question that how are you in particular binding the data to the report items, But from the given information what I understand is that you can
Try like this:
Right Click the tablix row and insert a row below
In the cell where you want to have this Average of Averages insert the following expression
and similarly insert expression =Sum(Fields!Price2.Value)/6 and =Sum(Fields!Delta.Value)/6 in the other cells where you want to display the Averages
Of Course, you will change the Field names Price1,Price2 etc to the fields that you are getting the values from.

Jasper report sum of each group item

I am using Jasper Report 4.5
My problem is I have list of employees and its monthly tax deduction.
I need the report in which it shows employees tax deduction group by monthly
and in bottom it should display total(sum of) tax deduction of each employee.
Here is one way you can do it.
Order the resultset by month, then by employee.
Create level 1 report group, group1, which groups by month and a level 2 group, group2, that groups by employee.
Create a sum variable that resets on group1.
Print the sum in the trailer of group2.
If in your detail section you have records for multiple employees/dates and then you want a total for each employee at the bottom, I think the best solution would be to use a sub report.
You could create a sub report that shows the totals for each employee. You could pass any parameters you need from the main report to the sub report. You could put the sub report in the Summary section (or possibly a group footer) of your report.

Crystal Report in

Im creating a report using crystal report in
The report contained a crosstab which I have 3 data:
1. Dealer - row field
2. Month - column
3. Quantity Sales - summarize field
How can I arrange this by ascending order based on the
Quantity Sales - summarize field?
Depending on how you're working with it, you can adjust the input to order the data ascending.
SELECT customer, sum(amountdue) AS total FROM invoices
GROUP BY customer
If you're doing in a way that you can't change that information, could you provide a little more insight?
Note that other Business Objects products order on the total of a summary field when sorting a cross tab by it's values. I forget how CR does it exactly.