Date range in select - sql

I have this table
My problem when I use select SQL to get records between two dates I get empty result if the user select the same date for the two dates
For ex:
Select * from Table1
where SCAN_TIME between '20.9.2014' and '20.9.2014'
Although there are records in that date '20.9.2014' but I get empty result and I get results only if I increase the second date by one day to be '21.9.2014' !! why is that and how I should fix ?

The problem is that you used timestamp as the type, and things messed up due to the time portion. Try to use Date.
When you said between 2014-09-20 and 2014-09-20, you are actually saying between 2014-09-20 midnight and 2014-09-20 midnight, apparently nothing falls in between other than the exact moment of midnight.
If you cannot control the table structure, do what PM 77-1 suggested in his comment below - use cast to cast timestamp into date:
select 1 from table1
where cast(scan_time as date) between 'someday1' and 'someday2';

A TIMESTAMP contains both a date and a time. Since you're not specifying the time in your WHERE clause, it's using the beginning of the day for both times. So you're actually writing the equivalent of:
WHERE SCAN_TIME between '20.9.2014 00:00:00' and '20.9.2014 00:00:00'
Unless the time part of the timestamp is actually 00:00:00, it won't satisfy this criterion. You should convert the timestamp to a date, or specify the times in your range, e.g.
WHERE SCAN_TIME between '20.9.2014 00:00:00' and '20.9.2014 23:59:59'


SQLite How can I select data between 2 date with time included

I have seperate date and time columns in my table. Date as mm/dd/yyyy, time as hh:mm but i can change the format. I want to list data between 2 date/time. How can I do that?
select * from testtable where date >= '01/10/2022' AND date <= '01/10/2023' AND time >= '13:45' AND time <= '15:50'
I wrote it but of course it doesn't work like what i expected.
The best fix and really the only one you want here would be to start storing your timestamps in a sortable ISO format yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss. Then, use this query:
FROM testtable
WHERE date BETWEEN '2022-01-10 13:45:00' AND '2023-01-10 15:50:00';
The thing to realize here is that SQLite does not actually have a date column type. Rather, you always store your dates/timestamps as text, and therefore it is crucial to use an ISO sortable format as shown above.
If your target is sqlite, it lacks complex timestamp types. But you have another option here. You can store that as unix timestamp, it is an integer representing the number of seconds offset from the epoch which is 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. The table format would then be:
CREATE TABLE testtable (
You can the use the unixepoch function to translate a string representation to that unix timestamp format. To insert a new date, you would use:
INSERT INTO testtable (date) VALUES (unixepoch('2023-01-11T11:30:00+01:00'))
Finding a matching row is now as easy to compare integers together. You can convert the datetime representation to unix timestamp at the application level, most programming environments provide such time utility functions/library. Or can still use the unixepoch function from sqlite for your where clause.
SELECT * FROM testtable
WHERE date >= unixepoch('2022-10-01T13:45:00Z')
AND date <= unixepoch('2023-10-01T15:50:00Z')
The final Z indicates an UTC time zone but you can adjust that with another +HH:00 extenstion instead which reflect the offset from utc of your datetime representation.

how to select all entries having date 25-11-20 in oracle 11g?

sql table
here in the table above named carpooling contains a column name start_on which has date time as timestamp i have to write a query to select all the rows having date as 25-11-20 using to_char and to_date.
You write a timestamp literal like this:
timestamp '2020-11-25 00:00:00'
so the full filtering condition will be
where start_on >= timestamp '2020-11-25 00:00:00'
and start_on < timestamp '2020-11-26 00:00:00'
Note that dates and timestamps are different in Oracle, and dates include times down to the second (this is for historical reasons - originally there was only the date type, and timestamp was added much later).
Use the TRUNC function, along with date and interval literals:
AND (DATE '2020-11-26' - INTERVAL '0.000001' SECOND)
You can simply use to_date, but it's recommended to remove the time when comparing the dates. Otherwise, rows having the same date, but a different time will not be selected. Removing the time can be done using TRUNC.
So you can do something like this:
SELECT * FROM carpooling
WHERE TRUNC(start_on) = TO_DATE('2020-11-25','');
If you don't want to check the 25th of November 2020, but another data, change the date to match your goal.

Changing date to day before for certain daily time ranges in SQL

We have a table with a datetime field and need to get it to work properly with other tables that have date fields that work on system date, not calendar date.
Our system day runs until 1:59 AM, so anything after midnight until then is considered the day before in all of these tables (which don't actually show datetime, just date).
I am trying to figure out how I can create a date field where '2019-01-01 01:45:00.111' would read as '2018-12-31', but '2019-01-01 2:00:00.111' would read as '2019-01-01'.
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
Try this simple logic below by removing 120 minutes from your each datetime value and then cast the datetime value as date.
SELECT CAST(DATEADD(MINUTE,-120,<your_date_time_column>) AS DATE)
FROM <Your_Table>
You can make use of CASE WHEN.. clause to increment or decrement dates by 1 like below sample
'HH:MM') BETWEEN '00:00' AND
'01:45' THEN DATE-1 ELSE

SELECT query with LIKE fails

I'm using a SQL SELECT query to bring back all rows from a specific date.
The column I'm using is called TimeStamp (datetime)
(An example of data from this column = 01/02/2018 07:55:55)
What I would like is to return all rows from a specific date eg 24/06/2019
I have tried
SELECT top 20 TimeStamp
from Report
where TimeStamp = '02/01/2018 07:55:55'
which returns one row (which is correct as there is only one row containing this data)
If I then try
SELECT top 20 TimeStamp
from Report
where TimeStamp LIKE '02/01/2018%'
I get no results, I have also tried escaping the forward slashes
SELECT top 20 TimeStamp
from Report
where TimeStamp = '02\/01\/2018%'
Most databases support a string function called left(). If I assume that your "timestamp" is a string, then:
where left(timestamp, 10) = '01/02/2018'
However, it should be stored as a date or date/time. If so, then you can do:
where timestamp >= '2018-02-01' and
timestamp < '2018-02-02'
Note the use of standard formatted dates (YYYY-MM-DD). That is the way most databases implement date literals.
In SQL Server, you can also use:
where convert(date, timestamp) = '2018-02-01'
Both this and the previous version will use an index on timestamp, so both are reasonable solutions.
this should work
SELECT TimeStamp FROM report where convert(Date, TimeStamp) = '2019-06-24'
or select timestamp from report where timestamp between '2019-06-24' and '2019-06-25'. This will get you everything between 2019-06-24 00:00:00 and 2019-06-25 00:00:00 thus all records with date 2019-06-24
Convert timestamp value to date.
SELECT TimeStamp
FROM report
WHERE CAST(TimeStamp AS DATE) = '2019-06-24'

MySQL "between" clause not inclusive?

If I run a query with a between clause, it seems to exclude the ending value.
For example:
select * from person where dob between '2011-01-01' and '2011-01-31'
This gets all results with dob from '2011-01-01' till '2011-01-30'; skipping records where dob is '2011-01-31'. Can anyone explain why this query behaves this way, and how I could modify it to include records where dob is '2011-01-31'? (without adding 1 to the ending date because its been selected by the users.)
From the MySQL-manual:
This is equivalent to the expression
(min <= expr AND expr <= max)
The field dob probably has a time component.
To truncate it out:
select * from person
where CAST(dob AS DATE) between '2011-01-01' and '2011-01-31'
The problem is that 2011-01-31 really is 2011-01-31 00:00:00. That is the beginning of the day. Everything during the day is not included.
select * from person where dob between '2011-01-01 00:00:00' and '2011-01-31 23:59:59'
Is the field you are referencing in your query a Date type or a DateTime type?
A common cause of the behavior you describe is when you use a DateTime type where you really should be using a Date type. That is, unless you really need to know what time someone was born, just use the Date type.
The reason the final day is not being included in your results is the way that the query is assuming the time portion of the dates that you did not specify in your query.
That is: Your query is being interpreted as up to Midnight between 2011-01-30 and 2011-01-31, but the data may have a value sometime later in the day on 2011-01-31.
Suggestion: Change the field to the Date type if it is a DateTime type.
Hi this query works for me,
select * from person where dob between '2011-01-01' and '2011-01-31 23:59:59'
select * from person where DATE(dob) between '2011-01-01' and '2011-01-31'
Surprisingly such conversions are solutions to many problems in MySQL.
In MySql between the values are inclusive therefore when you give try to get between '2011-01-01' and '2011-01-31'
it will include from 2011-01-01 00:00:00 upto 2011-01-31 00:00:00
therefore nothing actually in 2011-01-31 since its time should go from 2011-01-31 00:00:00 ~ 2011-01-31 23:59:59
For the upper bound you can change to 2011-02-01 then it will get all data upto 2011-01-31 23:59:59
You can run the query as:
select * from person where dob between '2011-01-01' and '2011-01-31 23:59:59'
like others pointed out, if your dates are hardcoded.
On the other hand, if the date is in another table, you can add a day and subtract a second (if the dates are saved without the second/time), like:
select * from person JOIN some_table ... where dob between some_table.initial_date and (some_table.final_date + INTERVAL 1 DAY - INTERVAL 1 SECOND)
Avoid doing casts on the dob fiels (like in the accepted answer), because that can cause huge performance problems (like not being able to use an index in the dob field, assuming there is one). The execution plan may change from using index condition to using where if you make something like DATE(dob) or CAST(dob AS DATE), so be careful!
Set the upper date to date + 1 day, so in your case, set it to 2011-02-01.
select * from person where dob between '2011-01-01' and '2011-01-31' or dob like' 2011-01-31%'
Just add or <<column>> like "date%".