SQL to Key Value - sql

I'd like to move from the SQL approach to the Key Value approach, because I deal with "big data" and would like to benefit from systems like DynamoDB, Riak or Cassandra.
It's quite easy when the data is unrelated, thus one have a document based approach (a primary key + data, but no relations).
I'd appreciate any theoretical or academic input on how to model my data.

I've been using NoSQL in the last 4 years and this is just what I think, what I learnt ... my personal golden rules.
Premise: in the SQL world any possible relation between data, any problem or situation to deal with often come with a precise answer given both from age and "uniqueness" of the product -- people coming from this "perfect world" try to look at the no-sql in the same way, but here any problem can have many solutions (or no solution) based both on the needs of the application and on the product you're using.
Think at queries before writing the model. The term "query-oriented" really fit for the context - go deep with analysis, the more you know about how you'll query your data the best will be the result
Denormalize. Don't think about "a table owns certain data" but more like "a table answers to few queries". -- so your data (or different subset of your data) might be repeated in different tables. This is the norm and a way to avoid joins and relations
It's implicitly an extension of first 2: don't think "the less tables will make the best design" -- the more are the queries and probably the more will be the tables
Study your product -- Each system offers different features -- some of these will offer you "data sorting" for free, some some others may offers collections, callbacks, triggers and so on -- so the model could be quite different from one product to another
Deal with your needs and possibilities -- sometimes you will have to choose, for instance, if creating a new table with data differently sorted or sorting your data client side. There is not a correct answer. If you have few disk space or data to be sorted are small sets you might choose a way, if you have few "computing power" you'd better choose the other
Remember that NoSQL doesn't mean "No SQL" but "Not Only SQL". You can also imagine your schema as an hybrid (I think that https://mariadb.org/ offers this kind of solution) or remember that you can put a layer of Hive/Shark/Pig to perform more complex "backend queries"
If you choose Cassandra, after having studied a little the product, give a look here:
Become a super modeler
Datastax data modelling example


Should I use EAV database design model or a lot of tables

I started a new application and now I am looking at two paths and don't know which is good way to continue.
I am building something like eCommerce site. I have a categories and subcategories.
The problem is that there are different type of products on site and each has different properties. And site must be filterable by those product properties.
This is my initial database design:
Products{ProductId, Name, ProductCategoryId}
ProductCategories{ProductCategoryId, Name, ParentId}
CategoryProperties{CategoryPropertyId, ProductCategoryId, Name}
ProductPropertyValues{ProductId, CategoryPropertyId, Value}
Now after some analysis I see that this design is actually EAV model and I read that people usually don't recommend this design.
It seems that dynamic sql queries are required for everything.
That's one way and I am looking at it right now.
Another way that I see is probably named a LOT WORK WAY but if it's better I want to go there.
To make table
Product{ProductId, CategoryId, Name, ManufacturerId}
and to make table inheritance in database wich means to make tables like
Cpus{ProductId ....}
HardDisks{ProductId ....}
MotherBoards{ProductId ....}
erc. for each product (1 to 1 relation).
I understand that this will be a very large database and very large application domain but is it better, easier and performance better than the option one with EAV design.
EAV is rarely a win. In your case I can see the appeal of EAV given that different categories will have different attributes and this will be hard to manage otherwise. However, suppose someone wants to search for "all hard drives with more than 3 platters, using a SATA interface, spinning at 10k rpm?" Your query in EAV will be painful. If you ever want to support a query like that, EAV is out.
There are other approaches however. You could consider an XML field with extended data or, if you are on PostgreSQL 9.2, a JSON field (XML is easier to search though). This would give you a significantly larger range of possible searches without the headaches of EAV. The tradeoff would be that schema enforcement would be harder.
This questions seems to discuss the issue in greater detail.
Apart from performance, extensibility and complexity discussed there, also take into account:
SQL databases such as SQL Server have full-text search features; so if you have a single field describing the product - full text search will index it and will be able to provide advanced semantic searches
take a look at no-sql systems that are all the rage right now; scalability should be quite good with them and they provide support for non-structured data such as the one you have. Hadoop and Casandra are good starting points.
You could very well work with the EAV model.
We do something similar with a Logistics application. It is built on .net though.
Apart from the tables, your application code has to handle the objects correctly.
See if you can add generic table for each object. It works for us.

Data Aggregation - Daily SQL Script vs Data Warehouse

Pardon me if this has already been asked (I know very little about Data Warehouse/BI and have yet to master the keywords).
I have a table that grow by more then 100 000 rows per day, each row having a timestamp and multiple information about an item (dimensions, weight,color,etc). Individual data can be useful for roughly a month after this period we are only interested in aggregations. I have a dedicated software that allow a more detailed visualisation of individual rows and mainly use PowerPivot for my reporting needs.
I could come up with an SQL query that would fill a new table daily:
In which I would have a row for each hour/item/batch and I would summarize the information (sum/average/stddev/etc.)
Within a day my script would be up and running and I could use powerpivot against this new table. All this while staying where I'm comfortable: plain old SQL.
From the few information I gathered reading about DataWarehouse and BI, what I'm about to do sounds a lot like creating dimensions and facts. My question therefore: is it worthwhile to investigate further in that direction (BI) or since my problem is relatively simple I would do better staying in a relational database.
N.B. Reports that are being produced are usually linked against another database to produce more meaningful informations. Task that is very well accomplished by Powerpivot.
Datawarehouses are normally implemented in relational databases, so your existing skills will still be usable.
Given that you have expressed an interest in the dimension/fact table approach to datawarehousing, the canonical books on this approach are usually considered to be:
The Date Warehouse Toolkit (Kimball, Ross)
The Date Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit (Kimball, Ross, Thornthwaite, Mundy, Becker)
(The former has more of a technical focus, while the latter approaches the subject from a wider lifecycle management viewpoint.)
Implementing DWHs can be time-consuming, so it may be worth continuing with your existing approach even if you decide to build a DWH.
Good news: it sounds like you already have a data warehouse. "Data warehouse" is a very generic term, with no real formal definition - it pretty much means whatever you want it to.
Commonly accepted characteristics are:
Data warehouses do not run on the operational databases
Data warehouses schemas are optimized for querying, not for "normal form" compliance
Data warehouses are populated by "Extract, Transform, Load" proceses (ETL).
It sounds like you're already doing all of that. If there are no business requirements to change, I'd leave it as it is. If your business users are asking to create their own queries, using different levels of aggregation, filtering, or granularit, a star schema may be the way to go.
The most effective solutions are those which are simple, adequate to meet existing needsand stay within available skillsets.
I agree that this approach works well for your situation an if it provides the reports and information you need then its worth starting this way. If you need more complex functionality later then you can go for more complex BI

What are the [dis]advantages of using a key/value table over nullable columns or separate tables? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to design a product table for many kinds of product where each product has many parameters
(4 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm upgrading a payment management system I created a while ago. It currently has one table for each payment type it can accept. It is limited to only being able to pay for one thing, which this upgrade is to alleviate. I've been asking for suggestions as to how I should design it, and I have these basic ideas to work from:
Have one table for each payment type, with a few common columns on each. (current design)
Coordinate all payments with a central table that takes on the common columns (unifying payment IDs regardless of type), and identifies another table and row ID that has columns specialized to that payment type.
Have one table for all payment types, and null the columns which are not used for any given type.
Use the central table idea, but store specialized columns in a key/value table.
My goals for this are: not ridiculously slow, self-documenting as much as possible, and maximizing flexibility while maintaining the other goals.
I don't like 1 very much because of the duplicate columns in each table. It reflects the payment type classes inheriting a base class that provides functionality for all payment types... ORM in reverse?
I'm leaning toward 2 the most, because it's just as "type safe" and self-documenting as the current design. But, as with 1, to add a new payment type, I need to add a new table.
I don't like 3 because of its "wasted space", and it's not immediately clear which columns are used for which payment types. Documentation can alleviate the pain of this somewhat, but my company's internal tools do not have an effective method for storing/finding technical documentation.
The argument I was given for 4 was that it would alleviate needing to change the database when adding a new payment method, but it suffers even worse than 3 does from the lack of explicitness. Currently, changing the database isn't a problem, but it could become a logistical nightmare if we decide to start letting customers keep their own database down the road.
So, of course I have my biases. Does anyone have any better ideas? Which design do you think fits best? What criteria should I base my decision on?
This subject is being discussed, and this thread is being referenced in other threads, therefore I have given it a reasonable treatment, please bear with me. My intention is to provide understanding, so that you can make informed decisions, rather than simplistic ones based merely on labels. If you find it intense, read it in chunks, at your leisure; come back when you are hungry, and not before.
What, exactly, about EAV, is "Bad" ?
1 Introduction
There is a difference between EAV (Entity-Attribute-Value Model) done properly, and done badly, just as there is a difference between 3NF done properly and done badly. In our technical work, we need to be precise about exactly what works, and what does not; about what performs well, and what doesn't. Blanket statements are dangerous, misinform people, and thus hinder progress and universal understanding of the issues concerned.
I am not for or against anything, except poor implementations by unskilled workers, and misrepresenting the level of compliance to standards. And where I see misunderstanding, as here, I will attempt to address it.
Normalisation is also often misunderstood, so a word on that. Wikipedia and other free sources actually post completely nonsensical "definitions", that have no academic basis, that have vendor biases so as to validate their non-standard-compliant products. There is a Codd published his Twelve Rules. I implement a minimum of 5NF, which is more than enough for most requirements, so I will use that as a baseline. Simply put, assuming Third Normal Form is understood by the reader (at least that definition is not confused) ...
2 Fifth Normal Form
2.1 Definition
Fifth Normal Form is defined as:
every column has a 1::1 relation with the Primary Key, only
and to no other column, in the table, or in any other table
the result is no duplicated columns, anywhere; No Update Anomalies (no need for triggers or complex code to ensure that, when a column is updated, its duplicates are updated correctly).
it improves performance because (a) it affects less rows and (b) improves concurrency due to reduced locking
I make the distinction that, it is not that a database is Normalised to a particular NF or not; the database is simply Normalised. It is that each table is Normalised to a particular NF: some tables may only require 1NF, others 3NF, and yet others require 5NF.
2.2 Performance
There was a time when people thought that Normalisation did not provide performance, and they had to "denormalise for performance". Thank God that myth has been debunked, and most IT professionals today realise that Normalised databases perform better. The database vendors optimise for Normalised databases, not for denormalised file systems. The truth "denormalised" is, the database was NOT normalised in the first place (and it performed badly), it was unnormalised, and they did some further scrambling to improve performance. In order to be Denormalised, it has to be faithfully Normalised first, and that never took place. I have rewritten scores of such "denormalised for performance" databases, providing faithful Normalisation and nothing else, and they ran at least ten, and as much as a hundred times faster. In addition, they required only a fraction of the disk space. It is so pedestrian that I guarantee the exercise, in writing.
2.3 Limitation
The limitations, or rather the full extent of 5NF is:
it does not handle optional values, and Nulls have to be used (many designers disallow Nulls and use substitutes, but this has limitations if it not implemented properly and consistently)
you still need to change DDL in order to add or change columns (and there are more and more requirements to add columns that were not initially identified, after implementation; change control is onerous)
although providing the highest level of performance due to Normalisation (read: elimination of duplicates and confused relations), complex queries such as pivoting (producing a report of rows, or summaries of rows, expressed as columns) and "columnar access" as required for data warehouse operations, are difficult, and those operations only, do not perform well. Not that this is due only to the SQL skill level available, and not to the engine.
3 Sixth Normal Form
3.1 Definition
Sixth Normal Form is defined as:
the Relation (row) is the Primary Key plus at most one attribute (column)
It is known as the Irreducible Normal Form, the ultimate NF, because there is no further Normalisation that can be performed. Although it was discussed in academic circles in the mid nineties, it was formally declared only in 2003. For those who like denigrating the formality of the Relational Model, by confusing relations, relvars, "relationships", and the like: all that nonsense can be put to bed because formally, the above definition identifies the Irreducible Relation, sometimes called the Atomic Relation.
3.2 Progression
The increment that 6NF provides (that 5NF does not) is:
formal support for optional values, and thus, elimination of The Null Problem
a side effect is, columns can be added without DDL changes (more later)
effortless pivoting
simple and direct columnar access
it allows for (not in its vanilla form) an even greater level of performance in this department
Let me say that I (and others) were supplying enhanced 5NF tables 20 years ago, explicitly for pivoting, with no problem at all, and thus allowing (a) simple SQL to be used and (b) providing very high performance; it was nice to know that the academic giants of the industry had formally defined what we were doing. Overnight, my 5NF tables were renamed 6NF, without me lifting a finger. Second, we only did this where we needed it; again, it was the table, not the database, that was Normalised to 6NF.
3.3 SQL Limitation
It is a cumbersome language, particularly re joins, and doing anything moderately complex makes it very cumbersome. (It is a separate issue that most coders do not understand or use subqueries.) It supports the structures required for 5NF, but only just. For robust and stable implementations, one must implement additional standards, which may consist in part, of additional catalogue tables. The "use by" date for SQL had well and truly elapsed by the early nineties; it is totally devoid of any support for 6NF tables, and desperately in need of replacement. But that is all we have, so we need to just Deal With It.
For those of us who had been implementing standards and additional catalogue tables, it was not a serious effort to extend our catalogues to provide the capability required to support 6NF structures to standard: which columns belong to which tables, and in what order; mandatory/optional; display format; etc. Essentially a full MetaData catalogue, married to the SQL catalogue.
Note that each NF contains each previous NF within it, so 6NF contains 5NF. We did not break 5NF in order provide 6NF, we provided a progression from 5NF; and where SQL fell short we provided the catalogue. What this means is, basic constraints such as for Foreign Keys; and Value Domains which were provided via SQL Declarative Referential integrity; Datatypes; CHECKS; and RULES, at the 5NF level, remained intact, and these constraints were not subverted. The high quality and high performance of standard-compliant 5NF databases was not reduced in anyway by introducing 6NF.
3.4 Catalogue
It is important to shield the users (any report tool) and the developers, from having to deal with the jump from 5NF to 6NF (it is their job to be app coding geeks, it is my job to be the database geek). Even at 5NF, that was always a design goal for me: a properly Normalised database, with a minimal Data Directory, is in fact quite easy to use, and there was no way I was going to give that up. Keep in mind that due to normal maintenance and expansion, the 6NF structures change over time, new versions of the database are published at regular intervals. Without doubt, the SQL (already cumbersome at 5NF) required to construct a 5NF row from the 6NF tables, is even more cumbersome. Gratefully, that is completely unnecessary.
Since we already had our catalogue, which identified the full 6NF-DDL-that-SQL-does-not-provide, if you will, I wrote a small utility to read the catalogue and:
generate the 6NF table DDL.
generate 5NF VIEWS of the 6NF tables. This allowed the users to remain blissfully unaware of them, and gave them the same capability and performance as they had at 5NF
generate the full SQL (not a template, we have those separately) required to operate against the 6NF structures, which coders then use. They are released from the tedium and repetition which is otherwise demanded, and free to concentrate on the app logic.
I did not write an utility for Pivoting because the complexity present at 5NF is eliminated, and they are now dead simple to write, as with the 5NF-enhanced-for-pivoting. Besides, most report tools provide pivoting, so I only need to provide functions which comprise heavy churning of stats, which needs to be performed on the server before shipment to the client.
3.5 Performance
Everyone has their cross to bear; I happen to be obsessed with Performance. My 5NF databases performed well, so let me assure you that I ran far more benchmarks than were necessary, before placing anything in production. The 6NF database performed exactly the same as the 5NF database, no better, no worse. This is no surprise, because the only thing the 'complex" 6NF SQL does, that the 5NF SQL doesn't, is perform much more joins and subqueries.
You have to examine the myths.
Anyone who has benchmarked the issue (i.e examined the execution plans of queries) will know that Joins Cost Nothing, it is a compile-time resolution, they have no effect at execution time.
Yes, of course, the number of tables joined; the size of the tables being joined; whether indices can be used; the distribution of the keys being joined; etc, all cost something.
But the join itself costs nothing.
A query on five (larger) tables in a Unnormalised database is much slower than the equivalent query on ten (smaller) tables in the same database if it were Normalised. the point is, neither the four nor the nine Joins cost anything; they do not figure in the performance problem; the selected set on each Join does figure in it.
3.6 Benefit
Unrestricted columnar access. This is where 6NF really stands out. The straight columnar access was so fast that there was no need to export the data to a data warehouse in order to obtain speed from specialised DW structures.
My research into a few DWs, by no means complete, shows that they consistently store data by columns, as opposed to rows, which is exactly what 6NF does. I am conservative, so I am not about to make any declarations that 6NF will displace DWs, but in my case it eliminated the need for one.
It would not be fair to compare functions available in 6NF that were unavailable in 5NF (eg. Pivoting), which obviously ran much faster.
That was our first true 6NF database (with a full catalogue, etc; as opposed to the always 5NF with enhancements only as necessary; which later turned out to be 6NF), and the customer is very happy. Of course I was monitoring performance for some time after delivery, and I identified an even faster columnar access method for my next 6NF project. That, when I do it, might present a bit of competition for the DW market. The customer is not ready, and we do not fix that which is not broken.
3.7 What, Exactly, about 6NF, is "Bad" ?
Note that not everyone would approach the job with as much formality, structure, and adherence to standards. So it would be silly to conclude from our project, that all 6NF databases perform well, and are easy to maintain. It would be just as silly to conclude (from looking at the implementations of others) that all 6NF databases perform badly, are hard to maintain; disasters. As always, with any technical endeavour, the resulting performance and ease of maintenance are strictly dependent on formality, structure, and adherence to standards, in addition to the relevant skill set.
4 Entity Attribute Value
Disclosure: Experience. I have inspected a few of these, mostly hospital and medical systems. I have performed corrective assignments on two of them. The initial delivery by the overseas provider was quite adequate, although not great, but the extensions implemented by the local provider were a mess. But not nearly the disaster that people have posted about re EAV on this site. A few months intense work fixed them up nicely.
4.1 What It Is
It was obvious to me that the EAV implementations I have worked on are merely subsets of Sixth Normal Form. Those who implement EAV do so because they want some of the features of 6NF (eg. ability to add columns without DDL changes), but they do not have the academic knowledge to implement true 6NF, or the standards and structures to implement and administer it securely. Even the original provider did not know about 6NF, or that EAV was a subset of 6NF, but they readily agreed when I pointed it out to them. Because the structures required to provide EAV, and indeed 6NF, efficiently and effectively (catalogue; Views; automated code generation) are not formally identified in the EAV community, and are missing from most implementations, I classify EAV as the bastard son Sixth Normal Form.
4.2 What, Exactly, about EAV, is "Bad" ?
Going by the comments in this and other threads, yes, EAV done badly is a disaster. More important (a) they are so bad that the performance provided at 5NF (forget 6NF) is lost and (b) the ordinary isolation from the complexity has not been implemented (coders and users are "forced" to use cumbersome navigation). And if they did not implement a catalogue, all sorts of preventable errors will not have been prevented.
All that may well be true for bad (EAV or other) implementations, but it has nothing to do with 6NF or EAV. The two projects I worked had quite adequate performance (sure, it could be improved; but there was no bad performance due to EAV), and good isolation of complexity. Of course, they were nowhere near the quality or performance of my 5NF databases or my true 6NF database, but they were fair enough, given the level of understanding of the posted issues within the EAV community. They were not the disasters and sub-standard nonsense alleged to be EAV in these pages.
5 Nulls
There is a well-known and documented issue called The Null Problem. It is worthy of an essay by itself. For this post, suffice to say:
the problem is really the optional or missing value; here the consideration is table design such that there are no Nulls vs Nullable columns
actually it does not matter because, regardless of whether you use Nulls/No Nulls/6NF to exclude missing values, you will have to code for that, the problem precisely then, is handling missing values, which cannot be circumvented
except of course for pure 6NF, which eliminates the Null Problem
the coding to handle missing values remains
except, with automated generation of SQL code, heh heh
Nulls are bad news for performance, and many of us have decided decades ago not to allow Nulls in the database (Nulls in passed parameters and result sets, to indicate missing values, is fine)
which means a set of Null Substitutes and boolean columns to indicate missing values
Nulls cause otherwise fixed len columns to be variable len; variable len columns should never be used in indices, because a little 'unpacking' has to be performed on every access of every index entry, during traversal or dive.
6 Position
I am not a proponent of EAV or 6NF, I am a proponent of quality and standards. My position is:
Always, in all ways, do whatever you are doing to the highest standard that you are aware of.
Normalising to Third Normal Form is minimal for a Relational Database (5NF for me). DataTypes, Declarative referential Integrity, Transactions, Normalisation are all essential requirements of a database; if they are missing, it is not a database.
if you have to "denormalise for performance", you have made serious Normalisation errors, your design in not normalised. Period. Do not "denormalise", on the contrary, learn Normalisation and Normalise.
There is no need to do extra work. If your requirement can be fulfilled with 5NF, do not implement more. If you need Optional Values or ability to add columns without DDL changes or the complete elimination of the Null Problem, implement 6NF, only in those tables that need them.
If you do that, due only to the fact that SQL does not provide proper support for 6NF, you will need to implement:
a simple and effective catalogue (column mix-ups and data integrity loss are simply not acceptable)
5NF access for the 6NF tables, via VIEWS, to isolate the users (and developers) from the encumbered (not "complex") SQL
write or buy utilities, so that you can generate the cumbersome SQL to construct the 5NF rows from the 6NF tables, and avoid writing same
measure, monitor, diagnose, and improve. If you have a performance problem, you have made either (a) a Normalisation error or (b) a coding error. Period. Back up a few steps and fix it.
If you decide to go with EAV, recognise it for what it is, 6NF, and implement it properly, as above. If you do, you will have a successful project, guaranteed. If you do not, you will have a dog's breakfast, guaranteed.
6.1 There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
That adage has been referred to, but actually it has been misused. The way it actually, deeply applies is as above: if you want the benefits of 6NF/EAV, you had better be willing too do the work required to obtain it (catalogue, standards). Of course, the corollary is, if you don't do the work, you won't get the benefit. There is no "loss" of Datatypes; value Domains; Foreign keys; Checks; Rules. Regarding performance, there is no performance penalty for 6NF/EAV, but there is always a substantial performance penalty for sub-standard work.
7 Specific Question
Finally. With due consideration to the context above, and that it is a small project with a small team, there is no question:
Do not use EAV (or 6NF for that matter)
Do not use Nulls or Nullable columns (unless you wish to subvert performance)
Do use a single Payment table for the common payment columns
and a child table for each PaymentType, each with its specific columns
All fully typecast and constrained.
What's this "another row_id" business ? Why do some of you stick an ID on everything that moves, without checking if it is a deer or an eagle ? No. The child is a dependent child. The Relation is 1::1. The PK of the child is the PK of the parent, the common Payment table. This is an ordinary Supertype-Subtype cluster, the Differentiator is PaymentTypeCode. Subtypes and supertypes are an ordinary part of the Relational Model, and fully catered for in the database, as well as in any good modelling tool.
Sure, people who have no knowledge of Relational databases think they invented it 30 years later, and give it funny new names. Or worse, they knowingly re-label it and claim it as their own. Until some poor sod, with a bit of education and professional pride, exposes the ignorance or the fraud. I do not know which one it is, but it is one of them; I am just stating facts, which are easy to confirm.
A. Responses to Comments
A.1 Attribution
I do not have personal or private or special definitions. All statements regarding the definition (such as imperatives) of:
Normal Forms, and
the Relational Model.
refer to the many original texts By EF Codd and CJ Date (not available free on the web)
The latest being Temporal Data and The Relational Model by CJ Date, Hugh Darwen, Nikos A Lorentzos
and nothing but those texts
"I stand on the shoulders of giants"
The essence, the body, all statements regarding the implementation (eg. subjective, and first person) of the above are based on experience; implementing the above principles and concepts, as a commercial organisation (salaried consultant or running a consultancy), in large financial institutions in America and Australia, over 32 years.
This includes scores of large assignments correcting or replacing sub-standard or non-relational implementations.
The Null Problem vis-a-vis Sixth Normal Form
A freely available White Paper relating to the title (it does not define The Null Problem alone) can be found at:
A 'nutshell' definition of 6NF (meaningful to those experienced with the other NFs), can be found on p6
A.2 Supporting Evidence
As stated at the outset, the purpose of this post is to counter the misinformation that is rife in this community, as a service to the community.
Evidence supporting statements made re the implementation of the above principles, can be provided, if and when specific statements are identified; and to the same degree that the incorrect statements posted by others, to which this post is a response, is likewise evidenced. If there is going to be a bun fight, let's make sure the playing field is level
Here are a few docs that I can lay my hands on immediately.
a. Large Bank
This is the best example, as it was undertaken for explicitly the reasons in this post, and goals were realised. They had a budget for Sybase IQ (DW product) but the reports were so fast when we finished the project, they did not need it. The trade analytical stats were my 5NF plus pivoting extensions which turned out to be 6NF, described above. I think all the questions asked in the comments have been answered in the doc, except:
- number of rows:
- old database is unknown, but it can be extrapolated from the other stats
- new database = 20 tables over 100M, 4 tables over 10B.
b. Small Financial Institute Part A
Part B - The meat
Part C - Referenced Diagrams
Part D - Appendix, Audit of Indices Before/After (1 line per Index)
Note four docs; the fourth only for those who wish to inspect detailed Index changes. They were running a 3rd party app that could not be changed because the local supplier was out of business, plus 120% extensions which they could, but did not want to, change. We were called in because they upgraded to a new version of Sybase, which was much faster, which shifted the various performance thresholds, which caused large no of deadlocks. Here we Normalised absolutely everything in the server except the db model, with the goal (guaranteed beforehand) of eliminating deadlocks (sorry, I am not going to explain that here: people who argue about the "denormalisation" issue, will be in a pink fit about this one). It included a reversal of "splitting tables into an archive db for performance", which is the subject of another post (yes, the new single table performed faster than the two spilt ones). This exercise applies to MS SQL Server [insert rewrite version] as well.
c. Yale New Haven Hospital
That's Yale School of Medicine, their teaching hospital. This is a third-party app on top of Sybase. The problem with stats is, 80% of the time they were collecting snapshots at nominated test times only, but no consistent history, so there is no "before image" to compare our new consistent stats with. I do not know of any other company who can get Unix and Sybase internal stats on the same graphs, in an automated manner. Now the network is the threshold (which is a Good Thing).
Perhaps you should look this question
The accepted answer from Bill Karwin goes into specific arguments against the key/value table usually know as Entity Attribute Value (EAV)
.. Although many people seem to favor
EAV, I don't. It seems like the most
flexible solution, and therefore the
best. However, keep in mind the adage
TANSTAAFL. Here are some of the
disadvantages of EAV:
No way to make a column mandatory (equivalent of NOT NULL).
No way to use SQL data types to validate entries.
No way to ensure that attribute names are spelled consistently.
No way to put a foreign key on the values of any given attribute, e.g.
for a lookup table.
Fetching results in a conventional tabular layout is complex and
expensive, because to get attributes
from multiple rows you need to do
JOIN for each attribute.
The degree of flexibility EAV gives
you requires sacrifices in other
areas, probably making your code as
complex (or worse) than it would have
been to solve the original problem in
a more conventional way.
And in most cases, it's an unnecessary
to have that degree of flexibility.
In the OP's question about product
types, it's much simpler to create a
table per product type for
product-specific attributes, so you
have some consistent structure
enforced at least for entries of the
same product type.
I'd use EAV only if every row must
be permitted to potentially have a
distinct set of attributes. When you
have a finite set of product types,
EAV is overkill. Class Table
Inheritance would be my first choice.
My #1 principle is not to redesign something for no reason. So I would go with option 1 because that's your current design and it has a proven track record of working.
Spend the redesign time on new features instead.
If I were designing from scratch I would go with number two. It gives you the flexibility you need. However with number 1 already in place and working and this being soemting rather central to your whole app, i would probably be wary of making a major design change without a good idea of exactly what queries, stored procs, views, UDFs, reports, imports etc you would have to change. If it was something I could do with a relatively low risk (and agood testing alrady in place.) I might go for the change to solution 2 otherwise you might beintroducing new worse bugs.
Under no circumstances would I use an EAV table for something like this. They are horrible for querying and performance and the flexibility is way overrated (ask users if they prefer to be able to add new types 3-4 times a year without a program change at the cost of everyday performance).
At first sight, I would go for option 2 (or 3): when possible, generalize.
Option 4 is not very Relational I think, and will make your queries complex.
When confronted to those question, I generally confront those options with "use cases":
-how is design 2/3 behaving when do this or this operation ?

MySQL design question - which is better, long tables or multiple databases?

So I have an interesting problem that's been the fruit of lots of good discussion in my group at work.
We have some scientific software producing SQLlite files, and this software is basically a black box. We don't control its table designs, formats, etc. It's entirely conceivable that this black box's output could change, and our design needs to be able to handle that.
The SQLlite files are entire databases which our user would like to query across. There are two ways (we see) of implementing this, one, to create a single database and a backend in Python that appends tables from each database to the master database, and two, querying across separate databases' tables and unifying the results in Python.
Both methods run into trouble when the black box produces alters its table structures, say for example renaming a column, splitting up a table, etc. We have to take this into account, and we've discussed translation tables that translate queries of columns from one table format to another.
We're interested in ease of implementation, how well the design handles a change in database/table layout, and speed. Also, a last dimension is how well it would work with existing Python web frameworks (Django doesn't support cross-database queries, and neither does SQLAlchemy, so we know we are in for a lot of programming.)
If you find yourself querying across databases, you should look into consolidating. Cross-database queries are evil.
If your queries are essentially relegated to individual databases, then you may want to stick with multiple databases, as clearly their separation is necessary.
You cannot accommodate arbitrary changes in a database's schema without categorizing and anticipating that change in some way. In the very best case with nontrivial changes, you can sometimes simply ignore new data or tables, in the worst case, your interpretation of the data will entirely break down.
I've encountered similar issues where users need data pivoted out of a normalized schema. The schema does NOT change. However, their required output format requires a fixed number of hierarchical levels. Thus, although the database design accommodates all the changes they want to make, their chosen view of that data cannot be maintained in the face of their changes. Thus it is impossible to maintain the output schema in the face of data change (not even schema change). This is not to say that it's not a valid output or input schema, but that there are limits beyond which their chosen schema cannot be used. At this point, they have to revise the output contract, the pivoting program (which CAN anticipate this and generate new columns) can then have a place to put the data in the output schema.
My point being: the semantics and interpretation of new columns and new tables (or removal of columns and tables which existing logic may depend on) is nontrivial unless new columns or tables can be anticipated in some way. However, in these cases, there are usually good database designs which eliminate those strategies in the first place:
For instance, a particular database schema can contain any number of tables, all with the same structure (although there is no theoretical reason they could not be consolidated into a single table). A particular kind of table could have a set of columns all similarly named (although this "array" violates normalization principles and could be normalized into a commonkey/code/value schema).
Even in a data warehouse ETL situation, a new column is going to have to be determined whether it is a fact or a dimensional attribute, and then if it is a dimensional attribute, which dimension table it is best assigned to. This could somewhat be automated for facts (obvious candidates would be scalars like decimal/numeric) by inspecting the metadata for unmapped columns, altering the DW table (yikes) and then loading appropriately. But for dimensions, I would be very leery of automating somethings like this.
So, in summary, I would say that schema changes in a good normalized database design are the least likely to be able to be accommodated because: 1) the database design already anticipates and accommodates a good deal of change and flexibility and 2) schema changes to such a database design are unlikely to be able to be anticipated very easily. Conversely, schema changes in a poorly normalized database design are actually more easy to anticipate as shortcomings in the database design are more visible.
So, my question to you is: How well-designed is the database you are working from?
You say that you know that you are in for a lot of programming...
I'm not sure about that. I would go for a quick and dirty solution not a 'generic' solution because generic solutions like the entity attribute value model often have a bad performance. Don't do client side joining (unifying the results) inside your Python code because that is very slow. Use SQL for joining, it is designed for that purpose. Users can also make their own reports with all kind of reporting tools that generate sql statements. You don't have to do everything in your app, just start with solving 80% of the problems, not 100%.
If something breaks because something inside the black box changes you can define views for backward compatibility that keeps your app functioning.
Maybe the scientific software will add a lot of new features and maybe it will change its datamodel because of those new features..? That is possible but then you will have to change your application anyways to take profit from those new features.
It sounds to me as if your problem isn't really about MySQL or SQLlite. It's about the sharing of data, and the contract that needs to exist between the supplier of data and the user of the same data.
To the extent that databases exist so that data can be shared, that contract is fundamental to everything about databases. When databases were first being built, and database theory was first being solidified, in the 1960s and 1970s, the sharing of data was the central purpose in building databases. Today, databases are frequently used where files would have served equally well. Your situation may be a case in point.
In your situation, you have a beggar's contract with your data suppliers. They can change the format of the data, and maybe even the semantics, and all you can do is suck it up and deal wth it. This situation is by no means uncommon.
I don't know the specifics of your situation, so what follows could be way off target.
If it was up to me, I would want to build a database that was as generic, as flexible, and as stable as possible, without losing the essential features of structured and managed data. Maybe, some design like star schema would make sense, but I might adopt a very different design if I were actually in your shoes.
This leaves the problem of extracting the data from the databases you are given, transforming the data into the stable format the central database supports, and loading it into the central database. You are right in guessing that this involves a lot of programming. This process, known as "ETL" in data warehousing texts, is not the simplest of programming challenges.
At least ETL collects all the hard problems in one place. Once you have the data loaded into a database that's built for your needs, and not for the needs of your suppliers, turning the data into valuable information should be relatively easy, at least at the programming or SQL level. There are even OLAP tools that make using the data as simple as a video game. There are challenges at that level, but they aren't the same kind of challenges I'm talking about here.
Read up on data warehousing, and especially data marts. The description may seem daunting to you at first, but it can be scaled down to meet your needs.

Relational Schema for Fowler's Temporal Expressions

Martin Fowler defines an elegant object model for the scheduling of recurring tasks here, which maps to OO code very nicely. Mapping this to a relational database schema for persistence, however, is tricky.
Can anyone suggest a schema + SQL combination that encapsulates all the functionality he describes, particularly in the image on page 11. Intersects and Unions are fairly obvious - the complexity lies in representing the 'Temporal Expressions', which take variable parameters and must be interpreted differently, and then combining those into a 'Temporal Set'.
To be clear, there are many ways to represent the concept of recurring events in relational databases. What I'd like everyone's input on is how to map this particular model.
Some possible options:
'Meta' tables that define number of, and use of arguments. Ugly, but probably works. However, there is only likely to be a limited number of 'Temporal Expression' forms, so the extreme flexibility this offers is probably too much.
Some form of table inheritance, as supported by Postgres (and presumably, other) RBMS.
Serialising the parameter list and storing the result in a varchar() is not a solution as that method prevents set-based queries :)
I'm afraid this answer will be a lot of references and very little practical code, and it has been a while since I last messed with this, but...
I think the two technologies you want to mix here are 'active databases' and 'temporal databases'.
The first would be useful for evaluating the rules and so on, and the second is useful to store temporal data and evaluate at when a certain record is valid. Both of these are pretty large research areas, but you can do most of the temporal stuff in plain SQL (provided your database has good time support). The active part is harder in SQL, but PostgreSQL at least has rules to help slightly with this. I don't know about the others databases, but most of them has rule/trigger/constraint support that would be able to translate to what you are looking for.
Active databases are databases that can react to changes in the facts that it stores using rules. These rules are specified in implementation specific languages, but for every day discussion Event-Condition-Action rules (ECA Rules) are common. For an introduction to active database systems read the articles The Active Database Management System Manifesto and Active Database Systems. For some more information on ECA rules, check out Logical Events and ECA Rules (the pages are in reverse order o_0) and Events in an Active Object-Oriented Database System.
Events processing is a special case of the rule handling dealing with how to handle composite events and trigger their actions appropriately. An interesting read regarding this is Composite Events for Active Databases: Semantics, Contexts and Detection and Anatomy of a Composite Event Detector. Also see the Complex Event Processing site and the Event Stream Processing and Complex Event Processing wikipedia articles.
Temporal databases can be seen as a database that can understand time, and in particular two specific kinds of time; valid-time and transaction-time. The valid-time of a record is the time period during which that record is valid, and the transaction-time of a record is the time during which it is present in the database. As a good practical introduction I'd recommand the book on how to do temporal databases in SQL: Developing Time-Oriented Database Applications in SQL by Richard T. Snodgrass.
Oterhwise, everything you might possibly want to know about temporal databases can be read in Temporal Database Entries for the Springer Encyclopedia of Database Systems which is a pretty comprehensive document (I would start at the 'Temporal Database' entry), but to get started a bit quicker, check out the Temporal Database Glossary which is rather easier to browse and read, and the site Time Center whose publications part has (or did have...) links to most notable publications in the area.
So, now that you know all about this you see quickly that the image on page 11 can be expressed as a composite event, and can be detected/evaluated as such provided you have implemented the proper required subset of a composite event detector, and the rest could be expressed as a entries in tables with temporal aspects :)
Martin Fowler addresses much of this himself in his Patterns for things that change with time that summarizes many patterns that deals with time.
In the end, I would probably create a database schema for the temporal information and either use the DB rules for the active parts or implement that part in the application (there be dragons though). If you use PostgreSQL, the rule mechanisms are described in The Rule System part of the docs.
Much to read, but if you thoroughly understand all this your professional net worth can go up quite a bit :)
Also, good terms to google are 'temporal database', 'active database', 'ECA Rule'.
SQL is a language for querying sets of data. It doesn't easily support encoding of domain-specific logic operations. In other words, "rule to be evaluated" is not a data type in SQL. That's an object-oriented concept, that both data and logic are components of an object instance.
So I would say the most you could do within the SQL paradigm would be to store 365 rows, corresponding to the days of the year, and a true/false value for whether the respective day satisfies the criteria of the recurring schedule. So you have to use OO logic implementing Fowler's model to make the calculation, and store the resulting 365 rows.
Then when you need to know "is today (or any given date) part of the schedule?" it's very easy to look up the appropriate row and check the true/false column. Storing 365 rows per year is trivial for any database.
This may seem like cheating, but like I said, SQL is about sets of data, not logic.