What tools/framework/API(and the like) that let a user create a flowchart dynamically - api

I want to create a web-based flowchart to source code translator.
My problem is I don't know what specific flowchart making tools/framework/API to let the user create dynamically a flowchart using basic flow-charting shapes that can be later translated to a particular programming language source code.
I'll be using only the basic shapes of flow-charting since this flowchart to source code translator will be used preferably to aid the learning of a novice programmer.

If this is in a commercial scenario, using a commercial graph drawing library like yFiles should be feasible.
With this library you can create your own flowchart editor:
you can declare and create your own specific shapes and behaviors
drag and drop, as well as interactive modification and creation of elements is supported
you can add logic to prevent the user from making certain connections (like connecting the end node to the start node)
the editor supports automatic snap-lines so that creating a nice diagram is made really easy.
you can use automatic layout algorithms to rearrange the diagrams and/or the edge routings to get nice flowcharts where the information flow is nicely depicted (going from top to bottom or left to right, e.g.)
Take a look at this interactive set of demos (requires HTML 5 capable browsers) and especially this one. The latter shows the drag and drop feature, the automatic layout using a style that is great for flow-charts and the snapping and some more advanced features like grouping and partition grids.
Disclaimer: I work for the company that creates that library. There are other libraries (although not as powerful in my humble opinion). I do not represent my employer on SO/SE.


Features and Use Case Diagrams Vs Requirements and Use Cases

According to "Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design", Complex projects involves first finding a feature list -> drawing use case diagrams -> breaking into smaller modules before implementing object oriented design (requirements gathering -> use cases -> OO -> design patterns etc.)
I want to understand, what is the criteria for the size of project when feature lists and use case diagrams should be implemented before finding requirements and writing use cases?
I am particularly interested in how can this knowledge be applied to my real wold problems
Example, I am working on a UI that send instrument commands to the server and displays the response back from the server. I know from customer feedback that the UI should have the following things:
It should be able to let the user select an instrument from available list and send any custom command and display the result
It should be able to let the user select an instrument and a command from available list and display the result (create commands using drag and drops from given lists)
It should be able to have capability of creating macros
Is this UI project small enough to not have steps for gathering features and drawing use case diagrams? Do we go straight to categorizing the asks as requirements and start gathering requirements and writing use cases?
How would one go about breaking down project of this nature to deduce it to its appropriate class diagrams?
I have tried considering the above mentioned asks as features and then tried creating requirements, mainly on the different states that one could have during the life cycle of the UI application but I am still not sure and unable to comprehend the teachings of the books on this project.
I haven't read the book, so I'm not sure what the author(s) of the book really wanted to emphasize here. But I assume that you misinterpreted it.
Without knowing the requirements there is no feature list. If you don't know what is needed then you can't say anything about the system's capabilities.
Gathering requirements is an iterative process. First you gather the high-level requirements in order to be able to start building a mental model about the system. This can help you to start think about the supported features. By sharing your mental model and the exposed feature set of the system with the stakeholder, it initiates the next iteration.
Here you can start talking about actors, user journeys, use cases, etc. These are mainly focusing on the happy paths. As you have more and more iterations you will reach a point where you can start talking about edge and corner cases: What suboptimal cases can we foreseen? What can we do (prevention, detection, mitigation)? How does it affect the system/actors/journeys?...
The better you understand the needs and circumstances, the better the design and implementation of the system could be.
Will we always have high-level and low-level (edge cases and detailed use cases) requirements i.e. we will first need to make use case diagrams and then write individual detailed use cases?
There are a lot of factors which can influence this. Just to name a few:
Is it a system, submodule, or component design?
Is it a green or a brownfield project?
Is the stakeholder experienced enough to know which information matters and which doesn't from the IT project perspecitive?
Does the architect / system designer have previous experience with the same domain?
Does wireframe or mockup exist at project kick-off?
Should the project satisfy special security, legal or governmental regulations?
In short, yes there can be circumstances where you don't need several iterations, but based on my experiences that's quite rare.

How can I custom limit the extent of an ArcGIS basemap?

I am writing web application based on ArcGIS API for javascript. So far I managed to create empty map using this tutorial and write some code which visualizes some data.
The basemaps which ArcGIS offer are quite nice and I would like to use them, but they represent whole world and what I need is basemap of just a single country. What's the best/easiest way to do it? I tried using ArcGIS Online to edit basemap but the don't offer good options for cutting single country.
I found some links out there but they aren't solving my problem (or my knowledge is to small to understand them), for example https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/sample-code/basemap-custom/index.html
If you like the look and feel of the Esri basemaps, you don't want to make your own. That's certainly technically possible, but requires a greater command of ArcMap and publishing services -- and isn't what you're really looking for. And basemap tiles shouldn't be edited, even ones you publish yourself, since the difficulty of doing that well is just not worth the effort.
Instead, you can restrict the JavaScript map to prevent panning outside your area of interest. Whenever the user moves to an extent that exceeds allowed values, the code automatically resets the extent to the allowed limit, and they can't move outside it. (You can similarly restrict zoom levels so they won't even be able to zoom out further than the view of your area of interest.)
For code details, see existing answers on Restricting base map on specific extent in ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3? (GIS.StackExchange)

Functional Specification Process Management

Developing functional specifications is never a pleasurable experience, but I kind of find a sick pleasure in planning a project well. I think I have some father issues.
Regardless of my own issues, I can find any number of articles on how to create a single functional spec in varying degrees of usefulness. There are templates and examples aplenty, and I've got a good library of my own. However I am finding it difficult to find anyone who discusses a manner in which to produce multiple functional specs with any efficiency.
Does anyone know of a source discussing how to manage the process of quickly generating disparate types of functional specs? Say a company that delivers web apps, perhaps using a rapid development tool like ColdFusion or PhoneGap or something where the experience lies within the use of the tool not the end result. So the functional specs can have a wonderful array of difference in them.
Can anyone point me towards a way of managing this process to ease the burden of building each of these from scratch?
EDIT - I really like OmniGraffle, however I'm not trying to maintain a look and feel or do anything visual (saving past screen shots might be useful if they can be indexed). Code Snippets seems closer to what I wanted. But in actuality I think I am looking for the method to archive/index past blocks of text.
So if I described a purchase order system a year ago and I am building something similar today, I want to find that functional spec from a year ago to have some example text to start from.
In my head this is liek some novel writing software where like code snippets a block of text (either a scene, chapter or blurb or whatever can be written and then moved aroudn int eh body of the whole. yWriter does this. However I need to find a way to index/search through these large chunks of text for relevance. I am hoping to learn more about that kind of system.
Fleshing out the ambiguity
If you are asking about templates that are primarily textual, then your best bet is probably just to have a 'stationary' file that you can open a copy, adding pieces that are copies of the template structure you've saved to the 'stationary', and then save out the draft spec.
If you are referring to diagrams and other visual schematic that follow a 'spec language' that is unique to your development framework, then I would suggest a tool like OmniGraffle, Visio, or LucidCharts, which have active communities that develop 'stencil libraries' (e.g. graffletopia)
I think you more mean #1, in which case you might look to examples like OmniOutliner templates which can contain sophisticated stylization of fonts and format, akin to 'type styles' in Word documents.
Code Snippets are one mechanism for solving this, but you will only get snippet libraries for programming IDEs, which generally will lack text style features. Code Snippet libraries are like text macros: short strips that expand into large blocks of text. You could create your own snippets for the different structures of project spec that related to each kind of framework.
Another solution is to leverage the file interoperability of tools like OmniGraffle and OmniOutliner (or other pairings). WhenOmniGraffle opens an Outliner file, it displays the list structure as a tree of objects/nodes. After adding more nodes, the OmniGraffle file can be re-opened in OmniOutliner and viewed as a list, with all the attached Outliner styles.
This is a nice multi-modal approach, but locks you into a toolset. Probably unavoidable until more people demand tooling to do this kind of thing.

how to convert the control design from simulink to C

I have designed a control system in simulink for my project. Now I need to convert this design into C code. But presently no specific hardware processor has been decided on which the code will reside. So I need to run my code from within matlab. I am very new to the industry, so I am unaware of the steps that are followed to change the control design from simulink to embedded C.
Since I have no practical experience about the workflow that I am supposed to follow can I please get some guidance on what are the general norms that has to be done in order to achieve my requirement.
Workflow recommendation:
Make sure your design is tested enough with Simulation. You don't want to detect simple errors when you control real hardware.
Investigate/decide on target requirements. Do you have limited resources (memory/speed) and must customize the generated code to fit a target interface you should use embedded coder. Otherwise Simulink coder could be enough (If you have embedded coder use it anyway).
Make sure your model interfaces match what you expect on target considering datatypes, sizes, logged data and states. If you have special requirements for how to interface the code, you need to set storage classes on signals and other data. If you can live with the default code interface your life will be a lot easier.
Set the proper target in configuration parameters/Code generation/System target file. grt.tlc for rapid prototyping code and ert.tlc for embedded code. Then you can look through optimization and code generation properties and set as you would like. If your target has specific datatypes you should also change the embedded hardware implementation to match datatypes on your target.
Generate code (ctrl-b).
Integrate the code in your target project. Call _initialize once first then in a time based loop set inputs, call _step and read outputs.
It is also possible to make you own custom target to customize the code interface and provide desired output directly, including compiling and downloadingn to target. This is mainly for rapid prototyping and I recommend doing it manually first a few times and then decide if it is worth the effort to automate.
You might want to start looking at some of the examples or videos of Simulink Coder and Embedded Coder. Simulink Coder is for generating C/C++ code, but not necessarily optimised for running on embedded processors (it may be for Rapid Prototyping or Hardware-in-the-Loop purposes for example). Embedded Coder is an add-on to Simulink Coder for optimising the generated code to run on embedded hardware.
You might also want to register some some of their webinars on that topic or look at some recorded ones (there are plenty to choose from).

I need help choosing a game engine for a very specific task

I need a 3D engine for a very specific task in Artificial Intelligence, and I'd like some input.
The first part is the trivial one - basically, all I need is a FPS engine (3rd person would be good, too), such that it allows me to navigate a room and interact with objects (if you have Java and Windows, I'm looking for something similar to the Give Challenge, but a little more up-to-date). Physics would be nice, but is not a must.
Now, the non-trivial part would be: I need to impose a virtual grid over this room, such that at any moment I can say "the player is located at B5 - now he moved to B6", and so on. I need to redirect this information to another system (namely, one which will give the player instructions about what to do) and, at the same time, send messages to the player, so I must be able to have a single point through which the game logic passes through; also, I'd love not having to write my own collision detection and such.
So far, I've tried:
the Source SDK: it seems a little overkill (since I'm not really planning to shoot anyone, at least half the code base is useless to the task), and since I'm not really a Windows developer, I'm spending too much time with the "easy" stuff (such as getting VS up and running). Plus, cross-platform would be really nice.
Blender game engine: while this worked decently, the interaction model seems a little weird, and some easy stuff (such as making sure the camera stays inside the scene or showing the mouse on screen) gets too weird too soon.
Crystalspace 3D: I've tried their demos, but it looks a little old-fashioned, and since that was one of the problems of previous engines (it's easier to get volunteers when your game looks nice) I'd like to try something else.
Now, maybe I'm asking a little too much for a single software, but I'd love some input. Can anyone suggest me an alternative? Or should I give one of the previous ones a second chance?
Try the UDK. All of the things you request are present, and it's free for personal/noncommercial projects. Here are some highlights:
Modern looking. The UDK features an intuitive-ish visual material design system, post-processing effects, Scaleform Gfx UIs from Autodesk, and more.
A visual scripting interface called Kismet that can control gameplay elements, the camera, and more.
UnrealScript, a scripting language similar in syntax to C, C++, Java, that gives you the ability to extend existing functionality or create your own.
Comprehensive documentation available on UDN.
Lots of community support outside of Epic, in places such as Polycount, Eat3d, 3dbuzz, and more.
Basically, "and more".
If what you're looking for is a professional, free (as in beer) engine that will allow you to focus primarily or solely on your differentiating gameplay features, Epic has set the bar high.