Sending serialized images over network in Lua [closed] - serialization

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am developing a little game in lua (using love2D), and what I want to do is serialize an image in order to send it to another peer. So, I simple get the string description of the image file, then I write it on the socket.
The problem is that nothing arrive to destination (neither with the loop-back address). I also tried to pass the string to the print function but, again, nothing happen.
How is it possible? What can I do?


How to grab a user's Avatar from Tumblr [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am working on Login with Tumblr in my application.
Everything is working fine, I am able to get blog name, access key and access secret key.
But not able to get the avatar of the profile.
I am using GTMOAuth.
Please suggest me how I can get the profile pic.
As per the documentation, the correct way to get a profile is avatar is to invoke
In particular, you can get a blog's avatar in 9 different sizes. The default size is 64x64.
would grab the URL of an avatar of 512x512
You can use the URL to download/display the specific image.
But do you need something in particular?
Note There is also an SDK for Objective-C available on GitHub TMTumblrSDK.

How to show large quantity of hex text in Cocoa? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to make a Mac app to view and edit several GB sized binary files.
How do I start off? :-(
I thought I should begin with a simple scrolling hex viewer, but stuck already.
I think NSTextView is not the way to go. Because I only need to draw 255 kind of two character pair over and over. Also need to manage huge text data.
1) can I use NSLayoutManager drawGlyphsForGlyphRange method?
2) is it possible with NSTextView and clever text management?
3) or something else?
It will be greatly helpful if I could consult samples or demos.
Hex Fiend is an open source hex editor that can edit huge files (the website says it has been tested on a 118GB file).

Reading an image [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is it possible to read a text on an image?
Why yes and why not?
My client wants me to make this but I think it's impossible, if not impossible then it'll be very hard to make.. I was trying to explain it to him but it seems like he really wants to push it.
EDIT: I don't understand why you downvoted this I was just asking a yes or no question here. :)) but well it's ok I want to hear what do you guys think if this is possible in
Use something like PDFSharp to get the images, then perform OCR on them with for ex. Tersseract.
Problem is where should that text be used? In the PDF? If yes it might be possible to include a textfield above the image with the text in the PDF, using PDFSharp too.

Why photoshop SDK sample code don‘t work in my Mac-OS10.7? [closed]

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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I used the photoshop SDK CS5. And complied the sample code hidden in the filter folder with my x-code. And I get the target file 'Hidden.plugin' . But it seems no use, when I puts it to the photoshop plug-ins plugin folder.The version of my photoshop is also CS5. Anyone can tell me why?
Problem solved with the help of others in other website.

open unknown file name in known directory [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a special directory which only ever contains one file.
the file may vary in name and or extention type but its location is always the same directory.
based upon this information how can I launch (trigger) the file
I'm using
The Directory.GetFiles() or DirectoryInfo.GetFiles() methods will help you find the file that is in the directory.
Assuming you're trying to execute the file, Process.Start() is probably what you're looking for.
If you run into any problems with either of them, you'll need to provide more details as to your situation and what you're trying to do.