open unknown file name in known directory [closed] -

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a special directory which only ever contains one file.
the file may vary in name and or extention type but its location is always the same directory.
based upon this information how can I launch (trigger) the file
I'm using

The Directory.GetFiles() or DirectoryInfo.GetFiles() methods will help you find the file that is in the directory.
Assuming you're trying to execute the file, Process.Start() is probably what you're looking for.
If you run into any problems with either of them, you'll need to provide more details as to your situation and what you're trying to do.


How to write logs to the log text file using wix [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have to write logs for windows installer set up which is built using WIX.
Can we write log for each component and feature..?
I am struggling to find out a way to do this any one help me please.
Have a look at MsiLogging and MsiLogFileLocation. You can set these properties in your MSI to force logging. Setting a logging mode like MsiLogging=icewarmupvo will include the most information in your setup logs. Alternatively, if you have a chainer (eg burn, setup.exe) you can control the logging from there using MsiEnableLog.

How can I get the timestamp at which a row was loaded? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'd like to find the epoch time at which a certain row was loaded, so that I can pick out appropriate table decorators for fetching other events loaded in close proximity. How can I query this data?
AFAIK there is no automatically created column that holds the row time of creation - but you could certainly add one while loading data.

Sending serialized images over network in Lua [closed]

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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am developing a little game in lua (using love2D), and what I want to do is serialize an image in order to send it to another peer. So, I simple get the string description of the image file, then I write it on the socket.
The problem is that nothing arrive to destination (neither with the loop-back address). I also tried to pass the string to the print function but, again, nothing happen.
How is it possible? What can I do?

"NSDictionary+BSONAdditions.h" file not found [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have created a workspace with ObjcMongoDB as subproject. Then I've built both frameworks and linked them to my target. By importing #import <ObjCMongoDB/ObjCMongoDB.h> I get an error "NSDictionary+BSONAdditions.h" file not found. Have I forgotten something or I've done it completely wrong?
Make sure the BSONAdditions header is marked Public in the framework target.
Sometimes with frameworks Categories are not imported when building. In your 'Build Settings' under 'Other Linker Flags' add a flag '-ObjC' this will import the categories.

convert PDF to HTM [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to convert my PDF files into HTML(not looking for any software though). I dont have any idea. How to read the PDF then taking care of font size, styling, line spacing, character spacing, How to generate HTML?
and then How I can take care of images also ?
I wrote an article on this issue at ( and the blog also contains lots of general articles on PDF.