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Closed 8 years ago.
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I know with windows 8.1 the concept of snapped view is going to change but for Windows 8, is it required to implement both snap and filled view. If so can you please provide any link where its stated as requirement
3.6 Your app must use the mechanisms provided by the system for those features that have them
Your app must support a snapped layout. In landscape orientation, your app’s functions must be fully accessible when the app’s display size is 1024 x 768. Your app must remain functional when the customer snaps and unsnaps the app.
(emphasis added)
I have, however, seen several apps that just show very little/nothing when snapped. For example, nextgen reader just shows an empty area (annoying!). Even the windows store app doesnt' do anything but show its logo when snapped on win8.
In case you don't have the bandwidth to create Snap view for your application. You can just add a new page(Snap View) which is loaded when the user snaps your app. This way your app will not break and you will pass the WACK as well. You can successfully release it into the store and then update the app with snap view in the later release.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am developing an app for windows phone 8.1 . Based on MSDN design guidelines I am using pivots and panorama controls in my application.
I heard there are some significant changes in UI in windows 10 OS and MSFT is not using popular controls like pivot and panorama in Windows 10.
MSFT uses buttons ,top bar, hamburger menu etc. mostly in their new OS version. See the link
My questions is , can we design my new application in 'windows 10' model ? (using hamburger,top bar etc.) . I want to make sure they will put my app in store. I am afraid of certification failure (there is a chance for rejection because app may not follow WP 8.1 app design guidelines)
This is actually a big app and need at least 8 months to get done .
Those design guidelines are not certification requirements, they're just here to help you get a clue of WP design principles. There are some UI requirements for publication, but those are more semantic (i.e. text on buttons should always be clearly legible). The official requirements are stated here. As long as the UI is responsive an not misleading for users, you won't have any problems.
Personally, I've published several apps to WP, including some with special, non-standard UIs, and got rejected quite a few times, but never because of disregarding design guidelines. Mostly, it was due to technical reasons, or the button example I stated above.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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This client wants to deploy our app to apple store. Before this, i have worked upon either enterprise app or other clients deploy app to apple store themselves. Now, this client wants me to guide them step by step to deploy on to app store.
I googled and found few articles about that process. It would be good if someone can share the document or link they referred while doing so.
I have development profile as well as enterprise profile.
Please help me in this.
This document should get you started in all the right directions:
If the account is set up properly and the actual app binary is there as well (and is working and was tested and all, you know), then the actual release shouldn't be all too difficult. You have to have icons and screenshots and descriptions and everything ready at the time when you release, but don't worry, you can always pause the release process and get back to it later if you realize you're missing anything.
Is this too general? Do you need any more specific answers (for more specific questions)?
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am an individual developer and I wish to showcase some of my software to upload to my website. However, my C drive is obviously littered with different files, most of which for development, which I don't want to be featured in the screenshots. I preferably would like to screenshot my software on a 'clean' install of Windows 7 without any clutter.
How to create this type of screenshots, etc.? The lower cost the better.
Just create a new user account on windows, that should get rid of a lot of clutter.
A fresh VM seems like it would be your best bet. From the fact that you said C drive I'll assume you're on Windows. If you have Windows 8 you can install Hyper-V from the control panel. If not, use something like Virtual Box (
Using a VM means you will not only have a completely clean Windows installation, but also a completely clean file system.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for a simple way to tell if an app is using the Okuma API. There are several applications running on a control and I don't see any indication. I've tried renaming the Okuma API dll's and I can make some of them crash by not being able to find them but that can't be the best way.
I'm writing my own app too, I want to follow the standard. Is there any built in splash screen or standard way to show an app is using the API? (Something like Intel-Inside but Okuma THINC Inside, etc) I've tried searching for the Okuma logos and I see several different versions being used but none that signify anything about API and none that really look standard for indicating API usage.
At this time there is no official logo for the purpose your describing.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I wanna make an UICollectionView like iOS Home Screen. I found several (and good) samples like:
iOS: Are there any open-source Launcher Views like the home screen?
All libraries above work well. Editing, removing and animating is not a problem. But combining two cells into a new group, well, none of the libraries was able to do it. I heavily searched and I didn't find anything.
Does anybody know any libraries to combine two cells with drag and drop?!?!
Or at least has some tips on how to make?!?
You can use sections to group items and SupplementaryElements to decorate groups.
You can also just create 2 kinds of different UICollectionViewCells: one normal cell + one group cell.
If your data source reflects grouping it should straight-forward to decide which one to return in collectionView:cellForItemAtIndexPath: .