Google authorship not working on the google search - google-plus

I have strange issue in my blog. I tried to implement google authorship for my blog and added proper publisher link as follows.
<link href="" rel="publisher" />
Then added author link as follows
<span class="vcard author"><span class="fn" itemprop="name">jobin jose</span></span>
Then i choose email verification method and verified.
Also it added in the plus profile contributor section.
Then i check with structured Data Tool the thumbnail is showing but the following errors showing
Email verification has not established authorship for this webpage.
Email address on the domain has been verified on this profile: Yes
Public contributor-to link from Google+ profile to Yes
Automatically detected author name on webpage: Not Found.
The name in my google plus account and here are same then how this error ?
Please help me to solve this issue last one week working on this ! :(
my site link here

Finally its get worked.
I didn't do anything extra for this. after few days its works but on the structured Data Tool
showing same error on search its working fine.. :) :) :)
here is the link


What is my google-signin-client_id

My web site used to have a link to let users login with their Google accounts in Open ID 2.0. Since 20.4.2015, this is no longer working, so I am trying to migrate to Google Sign-In.
This page:
Specify the client ID you created for your app in the Google Developers Console with the google-signin-client_id meta element.
I have no idea what my client ID is. In my Google Developers Console:
there is only a single, very old application I created with GoogleApp, which is not related at all to the website I am talking about. I tried using its project ID anyway, and got the following error after clicking the sign-in button:
401. That’s an error.
Error: invalid_client
The OAuth client was not found.
Request Details
scope=email profile openid
That’s all we know.
What exactly should I write in the google-signin-client_id meta tag?
You need to create/configure a Google OAuth client. For detailed instructions on how to do so for Google OpenID2 -> OpenID Connect migration, check out Google's migration dev docs (in particular the pieces related to Google Developers Console).
A possible work-flow is:
Go to Google Developer Console.
Under "Select a project" on the top, select "Create new project" and fill the details.
In the dashboard on the left, go to "API & Auth" -> Credentials.
Under "OAuth", click "Create new client ID".
Under "Application type", select "Web application".
Under "Authorized Javascript origins", enter the URL(s) of your website. The "Authorized redirect URLs" are updated automatically.
Click "Create client ID".
The new client ID can be accessed any time by going to "Credentials" in the left dashboard. It looks something like this: "".
Hope that helps!
We have updated the referred documentation with instructions on how to create Google projects+client ids, see That should make things easier for developers in the future.
Again, thanks for reporting the problem!
Having implemented "Google Sign-in for Websites" in a couple of projects, at first the Google guideline confused me a bit at the following line:
<meta name="google-signin-client_id" content="">
The line <meta name="google-signin-client_id"... at first got me thinking that i needed to place some google-id here.
Now to answer the question:
What exactly should I write in the google-signin-client_id meta tag?
<meta> is part of HTML standard, and this tag provides metadata (or information) about the HTML Document. Metadata will not be displayed on the page, but will be machine parsable. source: w3schools html reference.
Therefore just remember that the "name" attribute of the tag just literally specifies a name for the metadata. In other words, it just describes the "content" attribute. Try changing name="google-signin-client_id" to say name="my-content" and see what happens.
Always remember: the best way to learn is try, fail, debug and correct.

Bigquery related links are not working.

I am trying to open links related to Google Bigquery; however they are not working. Those are the links specified in lot of documents and links. It is the same link that is being referenced from Google Developers Page ( )
I had tried opening following link:
Are these links changed or is there any other way to access Google Bigquery or Am I missing anything?
That link should work, and it does for me--at least, the UI loads and bounces me to a project that I actually have access to.
By the way, bug reports are probably best filed at BQ's public issue tracker rather than on StackOverflow.

How to show someone came from a link on my website?

It must be the full url, not just history or type. I have seen, on, where they show stats regarding where the referrer of our site came from. I want to show the exact link like statcounter shows under a tab.
Does anyone know how to do this?
You will want to use Google Analytics.
Google will generate a unique javascript code for you, you then paste it in your html, which activates the service. It's very easy to get started and the dashboard is very robust considering it's free. To get started, you can check this out:

How to make a custom LinkedIn share button

I need to be able to add sharing functionality to my custom button. I'm not interested with their generator, as I can't change LinkedIn image there. I want to use my own image for the LinkedIn share button.
Official LinkedIn API for sharing:
Read Terms of Use!
Example link using "Customized URL" method:
You just need to open it in popup using JavaScript or load it to iframe. Simple and works - that's what I was looking for!
EDIT: Video attached to a post:
I checked that you can't really embed any video to LinkedIn post, the only option is to add the link to the page with video itself.
You can achieve it by putting YT link into url param:
If you specify summary and title then LinkedIn will stop pulling it from the video, e.g.:
It does work exactly the same with Vimeo, and probably will work for any website. Hope it will help.
EDIT 2: Pulling images to the post:
When you open above links you will see that LinkedIn loads some images along with the passed URL (and optionally title and summary).
LinkedIn does it automatically, and you can read about it here:
It's interesting though as it says:
If Open Graph tags are present, LinkedIn's crawler will not have to
rely on it's own analysis to determine what content will be shared,
which improves the likelihood that the information that is shared is
exactly what you intended.
It tells me that even if Open Graph information is not attached, LinkedIn can pull this data based on its own analysis. And in case of YouTube it seems to be the case, as I couldn't find any Open Graph tags added to YouTube pages.
You can make your own sharing button using the LinkedIn ShareArticle URL, which can have the following parameters:{articleUrl}&title={articleTitle}&summary={articleSummary}&source={articleSource}
You can find the documentation here, just choose "Customized URL" to see the details.
Step 1 - Getting the URL Right
Many of the answers here were valid until recently. For now, the ONLY supported param is url, and the new share link is as follows...{url}
Make sure url is encoded, using something like fixedEncodeURIComponent().
Source: Official Linkedin Share Plugin Documentation. All links for developer documentation appear to be blank pages now -- perhaps related to the acquisition of LinkedIn by Microsoft.
Step 2 - Setting Custom Parameters (Title, Image, Summary, etc.)
Once upon a time, you could use these params: title, summary, source. But if you look closely at all of the documentation, there is actually still a way to still set summary, title, etc.! Put these in the <head> block of the page you want to share...
<meta property='og:title' content='Title of the article"/>
<meta property='og:image' content='// 1234567.jpg"/>
<meta property='og:description' content='Description that will show in the preview"/>
<meta property='og:url' content='// of the article" />
Then LinkedIn will use these! Source: LinkedIn Developer Docs: Making Your Website Shareable on LinkedIn.
Step 3 - Verifying LinkedIn Share Results
Not sure you did everything right? Take the URL of the page you are sharing (i.e.,, not, and input that URL into the following: LinkedIn Post Inspector. This will tell you everything about how your URL is being shared!
This also pulls/invalidates the current cache of your page, and then refreshes it (in case you have a stuck, cached version of your page in LinkedIn's database). Because it pulls the cache, then refreshes it, sometimes it's best to use the LinkedIn Post Inspector twice, and use the second result as the expected output.
Still not sure? Here's an online demo I built with 20+ social share services. Inspect the source code and find out for yourself how exactly the LinkedIn sharing is working.
Step 4 - Finding More Social Sharing Services and Their Share URLs
I have been maintaining a Github Repo that's been tracking social-share URL formats since 2012, check it out: Github: Social Share URLs.
Why not join in on all the social share url's?
Its best to use customize url approach. And its the easiest. Found this one. It will open a popup window and you dont need any bs authentication issues because of w_share and all.
<a href=" LinkedIn Share button on Website Webpages&" onclick=", 'mywin', 'left=20,top=20,width=500,height=500,toolbar=1,resizable=0'); return false;">
<img src="" alt="" width="54" height="20" />
Just change the url with your own url. Here is the link
The API is updated now and the previous API will be deprecated on 1st March, 2019.
To create a custom Share button for LinkedIn, you need to make POST calls now. You can read the updated documentation here for doing so.
LinkedIn revised their site recently, so there are a ton of old links just redirecting to the developer support homepage. Here is an updated link to the relevant page on LinkedIn's support site (as of Feb 16, 2015):
LinkedIn has updated their api and the sharing url's no longer works. Now you can only use the url query parameter. Any other parameter is going to be removed from the url by LinkedIn.
Now you're forced to use oAuth and interact with the linkedin API to share content on behalf of a user.
This works for me:
You can use this link by replacing it with your content. It works 100%.
You can customize the standard Linkedin button like this, after the page load:
$(".IN-widget span:first-of-type").css({
'border': '2px solid #DCDCDC',
'-webkit-border-radius': '3px',
'-moz-border-radius': '3px',
'border-radius': '3px'

Search Engine Optomisation

My neighbour popped over last night to ask me for help with regards to his company's website. He said that it used to be ranked pretty high on Google but has since fallen off completely.
Now, I'm a Windows App programmer hence my request for help. I took a look and there the meta tags seem ok. I recommended that he add a <h1>heading</h1> to the pages with a page title to help reinforce the content.
I also suggested that finding related websites and getting them to link to his site was good for search ranking.
Are there any other general strategies / tools that could help?
He site is:
ps. BTW: this isn't just an attempt to have StackOverflow link to my neighbour's site - I'm aware that links from SO don't add to its ranking.
Go to and read it. Then go to and read it. Then go to your friends site and look at it with that information in mind. Off the top of my head, I would add flip the company name and page title in the "title" tags. Look at the google analytics account and see how people are coming to the site. That will give you an idea of where you should start your efforts to build a workable base.
First of all he needs to be make sure that his website contents are well managed and to the point. Then Page title has to be pin point, meta tags are obsolete so try meta description. Then Main Heading should be under h1 tag, sub heading under h2 and further sub heading h3. Try to update your website one in a month.
Use community websites like Facebook, Twitter and linkidin and other related forums for posting updates about completed projects and must give inbound links. You can use your company name as an inlink to your primary website and project name as an inlink of subpage of your company website.
Keep on posting at least once in a week. Post website URL to online directories will be a great help. Do not use Blackhat SEO techniques like cloaking. Do not use any invisible text/div in your website. Make sure that whenever you give your website link any where, give the most to the point and appropriate link.
Your link should have to have that stuff against you are posting your link/sublink. Make a section on your website for tag clouds/google tags, this will be a great attraction for search engines and they will link your website to other popular websites.
Make sure these tags should be directed to top ranking website which should have relevant material. I hope this will help. Feel free if you have trouble to understand anything i have mentioned above. Best of Luck