How does the Like predicate work in SQL? - sql

I have a field called OrderNumber and there's already a record with that field value of "JY8023".
I tried querying using this SQL code, but it returned nothing.
SELECT .... WHERE OrderNumber LIKE "JY8023"
I also tried using wildcards and it worked
SELECT .... WHERE OrderNumber Like "%JY8023%"
So does that mean OrderNumber Like "JY9023" is not the same as OrderNumber = "JY8023"?

the string has characters before or after it, that you can't see. try something like select length(OrderNumber) WHERE OrderNumber Like "%JY8023%" to confirm this. Some characters are not only invisible, but unselectable with a cursor. But, they're there and they affect string comparisons.
additional debugging steps to follow will be to use substring to extract the offending part, and other string functions to further inspect the value. like, maybe selecting the string as a hex encoded string will help you identify the bytes.


SSRS - Number format expression not working

I have a table in my database called systemconfig which has some configs that I'll use on my reports. The idea is, instead of adjusting the 'number formats' directly in the textboxes properties of the report, I just change a value in this table, and then through a custom expression in the format property, it gets the value from this table
The query of the dataset 'ds_DecimalValues' is like this:
DECLARE #DecimalValue Nvarchar(500)
SELECT #DecimalValue =
( SELECT Value as 'DecimalValue' FROM SystemConfig WHERE Key = Decimal_Value )
DecimalValue = #DecimalValue
ok, the result of this query is ##
In the textbox properties I have this expression in the Format line:
=First(Fields!DecimalValue.Value, "ds_DecimalValue")
But the report is showing 2 decimal values instead of none. I'm not sure if the decimal values are correct on the systemconfig table, I assume that '##' is correct to show no decimal values but I'm not sure about it. Any ideas guys??
Would something like this work for you? Should round it to the nearest integer
=Floor(First(Fields!DecimalValue.Value, "ds_DecimalValue"))
When I have done this in the past I would typically use someting like f0 or n0 as the format code.
Try using this instead of ##.
If this does not work then a couple of things to debug.
Add a textbox that contains the same expression as you are using in your format property expression, make sure it is returning what you expect
Type the format code directly in and make sure that it formats as you expected.
remember that you don't need to use quotes when using codes like f0 etc.

LIKE 'x%' works, but LIKE '%x' doesn't work on INT converted to STRING

I've found this strange behaviour and I searched but couldn't find anything about it.
I know that in my example I don't need to cast [affairenum] to STRING, but because of a specific syntax in Entity Framework this is how an Affairenum.Contains(), StartsWith() or EndsWith() ends up being generated.
Consider for example a table that contains an id (affaireid column) and numbers (affairenum column) with values from 1 to 5000000.
SELECT TOP (1000) [affaireid]
,STR(affairenum) AS string
FROM [dbo].[ULAffaire]
where STR(affairenum) LIKE N'%9'
Works and returns results. Same goes with N'%9%'.
SELECT TOP (1000) [affaireid]
,STR(affairenum) AS string
FROM [Ulysse].[dbo].[ULAffaire]
where STR(affairenum) LIKE N'9%'
Does not work and returns nothing. The difference here being LIKE N'9%', the equivalent of a StartsWith().
STR(affairenum) looks identical to affairenum, EndsWith() and Contains() both work normally, but this returns nothing.
I've tried with LOWER(), to no avail. Is the STR() method adding anything ? a space, some weird character ? Am I missing something silly ?
That is because str() left pads the results with spaces. The default is a length of 10 (see here).
I'm not a fan of using numbers as strings. But if you do so, explicit conversion should do what you want:
where cast(affairnum as varchar(255)) like '9%'
That is, str() is not a type conversion function. It is a string formatting function -- hence the presence of spaces where you might not expect them.
I should note that you don't even need to explicit convert the number to a string, so this works:
where affairnum like '9%'
However, I have such bad memories of hours and hours devoted to fixing problems in SQL code that used implicit conversion, so I cannot in good conscience propose implicit conversion to someone else.

SQL request to find item in table by value in column

Its pretty simple question, I know, but I really stacked with a problem with it...
I have a table customer_customer and a column code in it. So I need to find all items with a specific code value. So I wrote that:
SELECT * FROM customer_customer WHERE code LIKE "КL-12345"
and got an error:
column "КL-12345" does not exist
Why КL-12345 became a column if I specify it as value of code column? What am I doing wrong?
String literals must be enclosed in single quotes.
By enclosing it in double quotes, you specified a variable name.
Also, note that your where condition is the same as writing
where code = 'КL-12345'
LIKE is used for pattern matching. For instance you would match all codes that contain 'KL-12345' like this
where code like '%KL-12345%'
Change it to single quotes
SELECT * FROM customer_customer WHERE code LIKE 'КL-12345'
SELECT * FROM customer_customer WHERE code = 'КL-12345'

SQL Server - how to use like keyword in records that have period in the middle of value

I have below records
but when i tried to do query where FullName like '%Gd. Mahendra%', it doesn't return any result.
Why ?
it should return the first row, shouldn't it ?
Your comparison should be fine:
where FullName like '%Gd. Mahendra%'
If you suspect the ., you can replace it with the single character wildcard:
where FullName like '%Gd_ Mahendra%'
In general, this type of problem is caused by "invisible" characters or characters that look the same (like zero and a capital O, or a tab and a space, or two spaces). This can particularly occur with national character sets that extend the basic ASCII characters.
You can see the ASCII value of a character using the ASCII(). That can sometimes help you figure out what is happening.
Try this:
WHERE FullName LIKE '%Gd.%Mahendra%'
Apparently the problem is:
The value that's been sent by the request is different from the actual record.
It's because the html doesn't use <pre> tag, which is able to render multiple spaces. Then the user just copyies the rendered value that doesn't have multiple spaces. That's why it can't get the correct result.

Negating a string to be passed to mssql server

I have a text field which acts a filter field. It checks for equals, contains and starts with. My problem is, with out changing any of my code, can I check for the 'does not contain', 'does not start with' and so on by just using the string i'm passing with something like '!' operator or "<>"?
for example:
I want to get all the records that do not have 'a' in them, so can I pass the string as "!a" or "<>a" or something so that I can get the required records? (I know these two don't work cause I tried.)
You have to use the keyword NOT, e.g.
Please refer
Can solve with case in where clause