How to build strobe media player? - osmf

I downloaded and installed strobe media player from in my MAC. I need to do some debugging using console log statements. How do I build this?

This doc might help: Otherwise you should have the debug build available from the sourceforge download:
Hope that helps


No debuggable process: Android studio 3.4.1

I'm more of a newbie into the world of programming but my journey has been a good one with the knowledge I have gathered thus far. However, I'm experiencing quite a problem that no one seems to have a solution to (considering I have been browsing the internet for 2 hours without luck). Android studio shows "No debuggable process" in the logcat and then shows some code running endlessly and the emulator doesn't run. I have updated the drivers of my Samsung phone (A20 - API 28) from the internet but this seems not to work. I am using Android version 3.4.1. I doubt I am that specific but if anyone can help I can provide more details.
Have You enabled adb integration? (to do that just go to Tools-->Android-->Check Enable ADB Integration). Maybe this process can resolve the issue.
Enable ADB Integration is removed from 3.+ versions. It gets active automatically. Still if you want to reset-set it.
You can check Preferences->Build,Execution,Deployment -> Debugger -> Use libusb backend(check/uncheck) it.
Just have the same problem after download Android Studio version 4.1 and checked to Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Debugger -> Use libusb backend I found out that Use libusb backend is unchecked by default. Try to check it solve the issue for me

How can I debug VLC on Mac?

I want to add a little feature to VLC only on Mac.
How can I build and debug it? May I use Xcode? Or I should use something different?
I download sources from github, I can see Mac OS gui module. But how can I debug it?
It seems that #feepk's answer is outdated. You can use Xcode to debug VLC on macOS.
Follow the instructions to build VLC.
Launch the built
Open the Xcode project: vlc/extras/package/macosx/VLC.xcodeproj
Click Debug -> Attach to Process and choose VLC.
You should use lldb on the command-line or Instruments (if appropriate). Xcode is not supported.
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How to run dart spark on my own computer?

I see there is a project named spark, which is a Chrome app based development environment.
It seems interesting, and I want to run it my own computer(mac os), expected to see a chrome-based IDE for dart. But I can't find any document to tell me how to run it. There are just some pages for how to develop and test, but how to run it?
I tried with the grind shell with all kinds of options, but no lucky :(
Thanks for the question! The Spark effort is still spinning up, and we're not yet ready for a public release. All the source code is available publicly, so it is possible for people to build it for themselves. Once we're further along we'll put a developer preview release up on the chrome web store.
The steps to build & run Spark IDE on Windows are:
Install Dart SDK to e.g. C:\dart-sdk
Download the Spark source code to e.g. C:\spark
Open cmd and type: cd C:\Spark
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\dart-sdk\bin
set DART_SDK=C:\dart-sdk
pub get
grind.cmd deploy
Load the upacked extension from C:\Spark\ide\build\deploy-out\web in Chrome Dev.
Alternatively, you can download Chrome Dev Editor packaged app, based on Spark 0.13,

how to install and getting start with webrtc on windows server

Hi could anyone to tell me how to install depot tools.I went through documentation and trying to install the webrtc in windows,I installed visual studio 2010 and some related stuff given in documentation still i am in confusion and many questions like why visual studio is required? are we have write code in visual studio?It acts like IDE for webrtc?
If not please tell me where we have to place our project in local file system and how to implement my first demo application..I found a video published by google demonstrating about webrtc in that they wrote code in a html file so is html file itself enough to develop.?
Though i have done a sample application in a html file still i am getting blank page and in console i am getting as UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION near navigator.webkitGetUserMedia() please help me out to know more about webrtc.
I suggest you start by watching the excellent videos about WebRTC from Justin Uberti and Cullen Jennings, and then (shameless self promotion) get to grips with the code and examples in Getting Started With WebRTC on HTML5 Rocks. is the home of the WebRTC project -- lots of resources and demos there.
Just last month we released an open source project aimed to get developers into WebRTC fast and easy.
It includes a cross-platform server kit which will run in Windows. Working demos are included.
I just built the webrtc solution using VS2010 by following this web pages instructions and NOT using cygwin. I had but one issue which to resolve required the manual copying of two files into the correct folder, you will know which two files should you see the names of these files and read the error, you will then know the expected location when the build fails.
Ultimately you will get a peerconnection_server.exe and a peerconnection_client.exe by way of sample. I was able to modify them easily.
Hope this helps. Be sure to install the prerequisites and follow the instructions to the letter.
As a clarification, the webrtc C++ library is one implementation you can use for the protocol. Another is using the webrtc implementation in a (very) modern web browser, such as Firefox or Chrome. Then, you'll just need HTML + JS, as per the articles in HTML5 Rocks.

Red5 1.0.0 rc2 flv play not working

I have published well my record files on red5 server but it hangs during play streams even
default streams .
It only shows meta info but not playing anything
version is red5 1.0.0 rc2
sorry from this snippet of information it is not likely that anybody could answer this.
You might simply use thee demo applications and modify those to fit your needs or prepare sample code and output.