increment SQL field manually - sql

I'm attempting to create a SAP UDO for product registrations. The UDO automatically creates two required fields "docentry" and "code." docentry auto-increments, code does not. I don't have accessing to the underlying database structure to fix that, but I can attach a query to the code field.
When a record is created, can I setup a query that would increment based on the previous row's value for code? I'm not looking for anything useful out of this field, but we will need to both batch import .csv files on a regular basis and also take direct submissions from our site, so I'm just looking for the easiest way to make it work.
Thank you.

UPDATE table_name_here SET code = code + 1 WHERE ? = ??
Replace the ? with unique identifier column name and ?? with it's value for row you are working with.
After your comment:
Let's say you have previous row code value stored in $1 and actual row id in $2. Then:
UPDATE registrations SET code = $1 + 1 WHERE id = $2
After your second comment:
UPDATE registrations SET code = (SELECT MAX(code) FROM registrations) + 1 WHERE docentry = `new_row_docentry_value`


Checking existance through sqlite3 in xcode

I am using sqlite3 in swift files through the application xcode. I am currently working on a journal project where you log one journal entry a day, and I am storing the contents, date logged etc in a database. Right now I am trying to implement a way to check if a there is already a log existing for a given day. I am using the following query within sqlite3_prepare_v2
FROM journal
WHERE date = ?)
(I am using the ? to later bind a given date btw) How can I check if the evaluation of this query is true or false and set that value to a variable? Will sqlite3_step() return the return values of this query? Thanks!
You can do:
select exists (select 1 from journal where date = ?) as flag
This always gives you a scalar result (one row and one column, called flag), with a 0/1 value that indicates whether at least one record satisfies the condition.
Another option is:
select count(*) > 0 as res
from journal
where date = 1

MS Access - SQL Inner Join two conditions and Len-Function

I have a database with a table which I use as master and which is being updated and extended on a daily basis by a table with the same layout. Before I update almost the whole master with daily data, I want to test if the values from a specific column changed during the daily update. Usually this column only contains Null or an "X".
As a prototype I only compared the specific column of Table A and Table B and if there is a difference, set a value with more than one characters into the column (here yesterday's date).
This is the code which worked as a prototype:
UPDATE ReiseMaster
INNER JOIN Update_Import
ON(ReiseMaster.Col3 <> Update_Import.Col3
SET ReiseMaster.Col3 = Date() - 1
Now, the column contains Null, "X" or a date in the master. For the next update I now have to make sure that this previously updated column values which are containing a date as a string will be excluded (otherwise ReiseMaster.Col3 <> Update_Import.Col3 will always be true for them in the future and the date will always be updated which is not intended to happen).
My approach was to exclude all datasets from the master table where the length of the values in the column is longer than 1.
Now here is my problem:
Running the SQL code makes MS Access not responding anymore, the whole program crashes. Can somebody advise me what could be wrong with the following code?
UPDATE ReiseMaster
INNER JOIN ReiseMaster_Import
ON(ReiseMaster.`Attachment Indicator` <> ReiseMaster_Import.`Attachment Indicator` AND LEN(ReiseMaster.`Attachment Indicator`) <= 1)
SET ReiseMaster.`Attachment Indicator` = Date() - 1
Additional info: I use Access VBA to run a code and during that also the SQL-statements which are being saved in a string. About the reason I add a date once I observe a change, I want to use the dates as a reference when the value has been changed for the first time to do further analysis with them in a later stage.
Avoid using complex joins in update queries! Since the entire recordset needs to be updateable, Access tends to have problems with it.
Instead, use a WHERE clause:
UPDATE ReiseMaster
INNER JOIN ReiseMaster_Import
ON(ReiseMaster.[Attachment Indicator] <> ReiseMaster_Import.[Attachment Indicator])
SET ReiseMaster.[Attachment Indicator] = Date() - 1
WHERE LEN(ReiseMaster.[Attachment Indicator]) <= 1
Also, Access uses brackets to escape spaces in column names.
Note that if you're not using any information from the joined table, and just use it to select records, you should use an Exists clause instead:
UPDATE ReiseMaster
SET ReiseMaster.[Attachment Indicator] = Date() - 1
WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM ReiseMaster_Import WHERE ReiseMaster.[Attachment Indicator] <> ReiseMaster_Import.[Attachment Indicator])
AND LEN(ReiseMaster.[Attachment Indicator]) <= 1

How to count unique occurences of string in table for separate records in apex 5

I am trying to automatically count the unique occurrences of a string saved in the table. Currently I have a count of a string but only when a user selects the string and it gives every record the same count value.
For example
Below is a image of my current table:
From the image you can see that there is a Requirement column and a count column. I have got it to the point were when the user would select a requirement record (each requirement record has a link) it would insert the requirement text into a requirement item called 'P33_REQUIREMENT' so the count can have a value to compare to.
This is the SQL that I have at current:
This is the sql used to make the table in the image.
This issue with this is, it is giving every record the same count when the user selects a requirement value. I can kind of fix this by also adding in AND DIA_SELECTED = :P33_DIA into the where clause of the count. DIA_SELECTED being the first column in the table and :P33_DIA being the item that stores the DIA ref number relating to the record chosen.
The output of this looks like:
As you can see there is only one count. Still doesn't fix the entire issue but a bit better.
So to sum up is there a way to have the count, count the occurrences individually and insert them in the requirements that are the same. So if there are three tests like in the images there would be a '3' in the count column where requirement = 'test', and if there is one record with 'test the system' there would be a '1' in the count column.
Also for more context I wont know what the user will input into the requirement so I can't compare to pre-determined strings.
I'm new to stack overflow I am hoping I have explained enough and its not too confusing.
The following extract:
Could be replaced by
Which would give you - for each line, the number of requirements that are identical.
I'm not completely certain it is what you are after, but if it isn't, it should give you some ideas on how to progress (or allow you to indicate where I failed to understand your request)

Access Check If DataSet contains string via vba Macro

Hello Stackoverflow community!
I am currently confronted with writing somthing, that automatically cleans up a database after certain requirements. Here is what I have to do:
If a cell in one table contains a certain substr (lets say "Mrs."), in another table a Togglebox is supposed to be checked (Yes if "Mrs." is contained and No if not)
I already worked out something that sets The Toggleboxes to -1 in that column, but I have to include a check, if it even has to be changed and in which row. For that I wanted to bring up an If-construction and a variable that would contain the ID of the first table's row to determine, which of the Rows in the second table have to be changed.
So the thought is like this:
If 1st_Table contains "Mrs." Then
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE 2nd_Table SET gender = -1 WHERE foo = 1st_Table.ID_Var"
1st_Table.ID_Var would contain the ID of the row of the first table
Now the more or less obvious question: How do I accomplish that?
This is bascally the first time working with VBA/Access AND SQL so I have no closer thoughts on how to do that.
Thanks in advance
P.S. The variable names will be changed in the final version; they are just to visualize. Just saw that they were colored by SO.
Try this (SQL update query):
UPDATE 2nd_Table INNER JOIN 1st_Table ON 2nd_Table.ID = 1st_Table.ID
SET 2nd_Table.gender = -1
WHERE 1st_Table.PersonName LIKE '*Mrs.*'
ID -> reference between both tables
PersonName -> column in 1st table containing Mrs.

Access (VBA) accessing the last record in a record set

Trying to get the RecieptNumber (autonumber) from the most recent record in the table 'Invoices' to store the value in the variable invoiceNum (integer).
Dim rstInvoices As Recordset
Set cdCurrentDatabase = CurrentDb
Set rstInvoices = cdCurrentDatabase.OpenRecordset("SELECT LAST ([RecieptNumber]) FROM Invoices;")
invoiceNum = rstInvoices("[RecieptNumber]").Value
Started VBA programming yesterday so appreciate any help that I will be able to understand.
You'll want to do something like:
SELECT TOP 1 RecieptNumber FROM Invoices ORDER BY RecieptNumber DESC
This will order them so the last record is first in the list, and then it takes the first record. Assuming, of course, RecieptNumber is created in numerical order.
And it's bugging me, so I'll add this - it should be ReceiptNumber, not RecieptNumber...
The string argument to rstInvoices has to refer to a field that is actually returned by executing the Select statement. But the query does not return a field RecieptNumber, but the Last(RecieptNumber) without a specified name. Therefore you first want to give that aggregated column a name using the AS clause:
SELECT LAST(RecieptNumber) AS LastNumber ...
Now you can refer to that field in VBA:
invoiceNum = rstInvoices("[LastNumber]").Value