Check if Kinect Camera is still available (OpenNI 1.5.4) - kinect

I try to detect if camera is still available so that my code won't crash if user unplug camera.
I also know that OpenNI version 2 supports the connection/disconnection events. But I am using OpenNi 1.5.4, and for some reasons, I can't upgrade to version 2.
So, is there anyway to implement this kind of functionality on version 1.5.4


Does Sony SDK support RX10 IV?

Does anyone know if the Sony Camera Remote API SDK supports (or just happens to work with) the RX10 IV (DSC-RX10M4)?
It seems like it would, however, version 2.4 of the SDK (the current one) added support for the RX10 III (DSC-RX10M3) and the RX10 II (DSC-RSCM2) was already supported.
Thank you!
i have developped an android app for myself and it is working great with the rx10m4.
The only thing that doesn't work so far is the Touch focus

TensorFlow HVX Acceleration support

I successfully built and ran the test application from I'd now like to benchmark HVX against the CPU implementation of, and if possible, the Android camera demo, to see how much it would help, but I wasn't able to find any documentation describing how to build said apps with HVX support (my builds run on the CPU). I'm testing on the Open-Q 820 development board with Android 7.0.
Is utilizing HVX acceleration outside the HVX test application, preferably with the benchmark and maybe the Android camera demos supported yet? If so, could someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Currently, the Android demo app does not support the HVX runtime. But I'm sure that you can use the runtime with Android demo app by replacing .so file with HVX version. If you can wait for the official support, that would be happening soon, but no promise. Let me know if you have any questions :)

WebGL support in TideSDK

Does the webkit view used by TideSDK have WebGL support enabled?
Would it also be possible to configure the web view to use native OpenGL on Windows instead of ANGLE emulation for the shaders? (like the way you can start Chrome with the --use-gl=desktop option)
They are close to getting webgl support.
Follow this issue
Looks like it will be supported in 1.4 release according to their blog. I haven't found an expected release date for it yet

Kinect microphone not working

I have been working on kinect for like 2 moths.I just upgraded from sdk 1.5 to sdk 1.6. Everything is working fine except for the microphone.When ever I launch an audio application from tool-kit it says my kinect audio not found.I Have installed the same SDK on another pc and everything is working fine on it.I have kinect for xbox. The audio drivers are installed correctly because its showing "Kinect for windows audio array control" in device manager under Microsoft kinect and also "Kinect USB Audio" under sound,video and game controllers. I had removed all previous versions of sdk and drivers before installing the new one.Please help me figure this out
edit:I even installed the previous 1.5 version but still the microphone is not working.Is there any software that is blocking it or any settings I have to check?
Very strange behaviour, the only problem i know with the Audio of Kinect is that the audio stream is stopped after the skeleton stream is enabled.
The problem is not with your sensor, since you instaled it in another computer and it worked.
Try to uninstall everything again, even the speech recognition SDK (if instaled). Delete the related folders from ProgramFiles, reboot and try to install it again.
you could also check the following:
Check if is possible to use another microphone.
Check the messages in the Windows Events of your control panel.

Reg:how to access the apis's of USB libaries in android

I am using android 2.2 version. I want to use the USB related API's in android application. but in android 2.2 version is not having the API's in the applicaition framework layer.It is available in 3.1 and newer version of android.
but in android source code i have seen libraries for USB (API 's in the format of .c and .h file).whether i can able to access the api in the application layer of the android. I want to use the USB device for example, Test CDC class.
For example : if i want to initalize the USB then i can able to call the USB_init() function which is in the USB.c.. Is this possible???? any one please help me.......