Does Sony SDK support RX10 IV? - api

Does anyone know if the Sony Camera Remote API SDK supports (or just happens to work with) the RX10 IV (DSC-RX10M4)?
It seems like it would, however, version 2.4 of the SDK (the current one) added support for the RX10 III (DSC-RX10M3) and the RX10 II (DSC-RSCM2) was already supported.
Thank you!

i have developped an android app for myself and it is working great with the rx10m4.
The only thing that doesn't work so far is the Touch focus


Why can't UE4 find the implementation of createAgoraRtcEngine?

I am making an Android app in Unreal Engine4.
I want to apply Agora to the Android app.
I applied Agora in the way it is here.
However, if you use createAgoraRtcEngine, it will not build.
I don't know why the compiler can't find the implementation of the function.
Agora's Unreal plugin is currently only supporting PC and Mac development/builds.
There are plans in the future to support Android/iOS, however the Agora Unreal plugin beta was recently launched 04/06/2020.
Here are some links to the repos if you would like to try and get started on PC or Mac!
Otherwise, you are totally able to use Agora SDK on Android, just not with Unreal - yet.
Blueprints Quickstart Repo
C++ Quickstart Repo
If you - and anyone reading this - would like to get started with Agora in the Unreal Engine, we have a community program called Agora Allstars that recognizes creativity, and includes a rewards program for completing the Unreal beta!
FYI - this project says it supports Android now.
I, personally, have not tried it yet though.
There is also a C++ equivalent but the documentation does not say it supports Android.

Is MPAndroidchart compatible with android 8.0 (Oreo)?

I am planning to generate some graphs for my app using MPAndroidchart. I read in a couple of places on the web that MPAndroidchart is not compatible with android 8.0 (Oreo). Does it really go up to android 7.0? Not sure if I should believe this information or not.
Thank you.
It works with oreo I tested it on emulators. Everything is perfectly alright you can go with it.

Check if Kinect Camera is still available (OpenNI 1.5.4)

I try to detect if camera is still available so that my code won't crash if user unplug camera.
I also know that OpenNI version 2 supports the connection/disconnection events. But I am using OpenNi 1.5.4, and for some reasons, I can't upgrade to version 2.
So, is there anyway to implement this kind of functionality on version 1.5.4

BBerry OS 5.x Titanium support

We would like to use Appcelerator Titanium to develop an IOS, Android and Blackberry OS 5.x app. I know IOS and Android are supported but is BBerry OS 5.x also supported as there's no mention of it in the docs?
There have been various preview releases over the last several years of BlackBerry support in Titanium. They've all been withdrawn, except for the most recent one, BlackBerry 10. You could hunt around the internet and perhaps find an old copy of one of the old versions (it was only released temporarily to customers), but it wouldn't be "supported", as your question stipulates it must be.
BlackBerry 10 is the only one in preview availability. The source has been released, and you can read about it on their blog:

Kinect microphone not working

I have been working on kinect for like 2 moths.I just upgraded from sdk 1.5 to sdk 1.6. Everything is working fine except for the microphone.When ever I launch an audio application from tool-kit it says my kinect audio not found.I Have installed the same SDK on another pc and everything is working fine on it.I have kinect for xbox. The audio drivers are installed correctly because its showing "Kinect for windows audio array control" in device manager under Microsoft kinect and also "Kinect USB Audio" under sound,video and game controllers. I had removed all previous versions of sdk and drivers before installing the new one.Please help me figure this out
edit:I even installed the previous 1.5 version but still the microphone is not working.Is there any software that is blocking it or any settings I have to check?
Very strange behaviour, the only problem i know with the Audio of Kinect is that the audio stream is stopped after the skeleton stream is enabled.
The problem is not with your sensor, since you instaled it in another computer and it worked.
Try to uninstall everything again, even the speech recognition SDK (if instaled). Delete the related folders from ProgramFiles, reboot and try to install it again.
you could also check the following:
Check if is possible to use another microphone.
Check the messages in the Windows Events of your control panel.