400 Bad Request while publishing the Entity Framework WCF Services in another system? - wcf

In local machine the services are running fine.But i need to place that services in client system.
I changed the connection string properly and permissions all are correct.But i am getting 400 bad request error when the files was published into that server system.in entity framework any files need to place while publishing.I am new to write the EF wcf services.
Please tell me.

400 bad request is a http error message.
Since you get this error when you deploy to a new system, it is probably related to the IIS configuration on the new server. For example you could get this error if ASP.Net was not enabled on the new server.


after deployment picture download from wcf service doesn't work how to find out what is wrong?

WCF service is used to retrieve data and pictures. WCF service work well on localhost, and on web-hosting of provider. But the same service after deploying to server within local network doesn't allow to retrieve pictures, however data comes successfully.
WCF service data downloading:
localhost (ok)
web-hosting (winhost.com) (ok)
remote server within local network (ok)
WCF service picture downloading (binary array of bytes):
localhost (ok)
web-hosting (winhost.com) (ok)
remote server within local network (NO!!!!)
so it's strange because the same service perfectly works on web-hosting of winhost.com provider but refuses to give pictures on local server!
What could be problem?
I don't know should I do some configuration of server 2008?
At last I have to debug WCF service on remote server, but how to?
1)If you have several references for services don't forget to put for all of them the constraints; in configuration of app.config maxReceivedMessageSize.
2)To debug service simply add some more details in reponse from wcf service
A console client takes about 2 mins to write and you can set it up to be sure it outputs the exception being sent from the service. The winform application would be just as good if you are in a position to set up those checks. The point being, be sure the service throws exception info back to the client

Showing error message from Project server 2010 wcf service

I implemented a web application that connects to a ProjectServer.svc web service. The application works on a project environment server, but returns an error in the production server. Unluckly, due to security settings the text and code of the exception taking place on the server is not shown, instead I get this message:
The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs
I modified the wcf settings in the web config of project server to make the web service return the error...but nothing happened, because probably Project server overrides the web config wcf settings.
How can I get the error message, so I can understand what is wrong with the server configuration?
Sometimes ULS log may help - when Project server process accepted your call and error somewhere inside of the process.
I touched the configs only once to create Proxy assembly and that time it worked... maybe the same approach will help you to find proper config. Here is a link http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff621594(v=office.14).aspx
Don't forget iisreset after you change the config

Silverlight WCF service returns remote server not found error on deploy

I have been trying to host a WCF service for a Silverlight OOB application. When I run the application from my local machine it works fine. But when the same is deployed to a server, I get the following
Remote Server not found error.
I used fiddler to track the error and it says
HTTP/1.1 500 System.ServiceModel.ServiceActivationException
Could this be some issue with the IIS settings on the server?
You need to check two things,
1.Check for these two files in your service root folder clientaccesspolicy.xml and crossdomain.xml.
2.Check for the namespace of your service.you might be wrong on the namespace.
if these does not work post your web.config .

.Net 4.5 WCF Error 404.3 on IIS 7.5

I deployed a MVC4 web application including a wcf service.
when i try to browse to the .svc file i receive Error 404.3 (Error Code 0x80070032).
I tried all the relevant answers i read:
1. adding a .svc mime
2. checking that the server's ISAPI filter include ASP.Net 4 bothe 32bit and 64bit.
3. checking that Server Managers Features include WCF Activation.
I already have a MVC3 web application with WCF service running on the same server.
Can you please point me to what can cause this problem?
I noticed that on IIS Manager in Handler Mapping there is a difference between the two domains running the applications. the working one is almost empty (include only StaticFile) while the new one has a long list of handlers enabled (I don't know if it is relevant or not).
Thank You!
I had to tick "HTTP Activation" in "Add Role Services" within Windows Server 2012.
Run command aspnet_regiis -iru in command prompt as an admin and try again.
Make sure the two WCF services are not running on the same port -- that is, you are not connecting to the MVC3 WCF service. See How to consume multiple WCF services from one client for how to do this.

Unable to host WCF REST Service 40(CS) on IIS 7

I have created WCF REST service in vs2010(4.0) with WCF REST Service Template 40(CS). It works fine on localhost and local IIS (7.5), without giving me any errors. But while I am trying to deploy it on server, it gives me 500 Internal server error. I have deployed same way I did on locl IIS. It is not giving me more details about the error. When I checked the server log, it says service.svc - file does not exist. While I have not created .svc file, I did directly with given template.
Can any one please help me to find the solution to this...
Thanks in advance...
I am using template, so there is no .svc file. In this we can directly access the uri without .svc with the filename.
Chrome is just displaying me 500 Internal server error. It is not displaying any related information about error.
Satyen Pandya
finally I found the thing that causes error in my service. I have used MySQL database and for that reference to MySql.Data.dll file of older version, and when I upgraded that dll with newer version, my entire project was not responding. It was replaced my newer version and when I tested with older version, service is running fine.
And for hosting it on WCF, Normal procedure of hosting the site on IIS worked for me after solving above problem... And I better opt for going with .net 3.5 WCF Rest Service with .svc extension available.
Thanks all for reviewing my problem..
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# hosting .net 4.0 REST WCF service in IIS 6