How to configure ServiceBusEnvironment Connectivity mode declaritively - wcf

WCF service is hosted in IIS and uses netTCPRelayBinding.
At some locations the TCP ports are blocked and HTTP must be used. Other times TCP ports are open and this mode is preferred.
Thus, I'd like to be able to set the ConnectivityMode to AutoDetect (or to just HTTP) declaratively in the web.config file.
For self hosted WCF, this is easily done:
ServiceBusEnvironment.SystemConnectivity.Mode = ConnectivityMode.AutoDetect;
How is this done declaratively in web.config?

At the moment there is no configuration element for this setting however in your web.config you could use AppSettings to set the value
<add key="ServiceBusConnectivityMode" value="Http" />
In the code you would then read the key value and parse it into enum value
ServiceBusEnvironment.SystemConnectivity.Mode = (ConnectivityMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConnectivityMode), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServiceBusConnectivityMode"])


Error while accessing the core service on SDL Tridion 2011 SP1

I am getting an error while accessing the core service on SDL Tridion 2011 SP1. When I am trying to browse /webservices/CoreService2011.svc from IIS server, it shows the following error:
This collection already contains an address with scheme http.
There can be at most one address per scheme in this collection. If your service is being hosted in IIS you can fix the problem by setting 'system.serviceModel/serviceHostingEnvironment/multipleSiteBindingsEnabled' to true or specifying 'system.serviceModel/serviceHostingEnvironment/baseAddressPrefixFilters'.
Parameter name: item
Can any one help, how it can be rectified.
I believe you have multiple hostnames setup for your Tridion CME. Or at least you are trying to connect to your Content Manager (in this case with Core Service) using multiple hostnames.
Can you try the following:
connect using localhost (obviously when you are local on the server) E.g. http://localhost/webservices/CoreService2011.svc
If above doesn't work, try looking up what host name is registered in IIS for your SDL Tridion 2011 website (in IIS 7, Right click the website, then choose Edit Bindings...). Try connect to the Core Service using the hostname defined in the website bindings
If above still doesn't solve it, try editing your web.config under "Tridion_Home\webservices" and add the following node under configuration / system.ServiceModel
<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true">
<!-- The attribute "multipleSiteBindingsEnabled" was introduced in .net 4 and removes the need of http module: Tridion.Web.ServiceModel.HttpSvcPortFunneler -->
<!-- For https protocol and/or multiport configuration, uncomment this.
There should be a <add /> entry for each unique combination of protocol and hostname that is configured in IIS Bindings.
<add prefix="http://hostname:portnumber"/>
<add prefix="https://hostname"/>

calling .net 2.0 web service only from localhost

Is it possible in .net 2.0 to enable calling web service only from localhost and to disable calling web service from outside?
Yes very much, you can open the webservice to serve only the specified URLs by placing.
So that webservice will only send data to specified IP address.
In web.config under appsettings do something like below:
<add key="YOURDOMIAN" value=""/>
<add key="YOURSCHEMAPATH" value="WebServiceConfiguration\Schemas"/>
//other stuff
In your code you can write stuff to do various checks.
Hope this helps.

scalable WCF solution

I am trying to implement scalable wcf solution found at NetFX Harmonics: Creating Streamlined, Simplified, yet Scalable WCF Connectivity
So my solution have 4 projects
Contact.Service (Service and Data Contracts)
Contact.ServiceImpl (HostFactory and Service itself)
Contact.ServiceHost (Web.config and Person.svc)
Contact.ServiceClient have App.config and Program.cs which actually call service.
<add key="PersonServiceActiveEndpoint" value="PersonServiceBasicHttpBinding" />
<endpoint name="PersonServiceBasicHttpBinding"
contract="Contact.Service.IPersonService" />
BasicHttpBinding basicHttpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();
EndpointAddress endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:1031/Person.svc");
IPersonService personService = new ChannelFactory<IPersonService>(basicHttpBinding, endpointAddress).CreateChannel();
Person person = personService.GetPersonData("F488D20B-FC27-4631-9FB9-83AF616AB5A6");
When I try running this example exception is thrown:
There was no endpoint listening at http://localhost:1031/Person.svc that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action.
P.S. Person.svc is in my Contact.ServiceHost project
<%# ServiceHost Service="Contact.Service.PersonService" %>
what is the config of the service host? sounds like one of 2 problems:
the service host is not set up to listen on the same port.
the host application is not being run at all
I imagine that by checking the web.config of the service host project you'll likely find that it is either listening on a different port, or not being run at all, and hence not listening.
Is the Visual studio host starting up and hosting the service? You usually get a little 'toast' pop up window in the notification area next to the clock saying the the host is running and you can see which port it is running on. if this is not happening then it is likely that you need to configure it to start the host project as well as the client.
To enable both the client and server to start at the same time you need to:
Right-click on your solution file, and choose Set Startup Projects...
Choose Multiple startup projects and choose Start for your client and server project, leave the other ones set to none.

WCF Client - 407 Proxy Authentication Required while running webservice

I've created simple WinForms app that uses free webservice But this app fails to use service operation with error:
The remote server returned an unexpected response: (407) Proxy Authentication Required (The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy service is denied)
Code that creates proxy and triggers service operation:
ChannelFactory<ServiceReference1.USZipSoap> proxy = new ChannelFactory<ServiceReference1.USZipSoap>("USZipSoap");
ServiceReference1.USZipSoap client = proxy.CreateChannel();
string str = client.ValidateZip("12345");
Is this problem with a network of my company or this is a proxy on the side of
I've googled a lot of information on changing configuration files, creating a custom binding, etc. But I feel the lack of more basic understanding... If this error is about ISA server of our corporate network then what configuration should I make to ISA Server to not restrict me from using external webservices?
In your binding configuration make sure that useDefaultWebProxy is set to true - it will use configuration you have found in IE. In your configuration file add following snippet to ensure default your credentials are used for authentication on the proxy server:
<defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true" />
This worked for me... replacing and the port number with your proxy server's IP
<defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true">
<proxy usesystemdefault="False" proxyaddress="" bypassonlocal="True" />
Seems like all the traffic in your company is being redirected through a proxy. Can you browse to the web service from your IE and see its wsdl and invoke the test page to see some results. If that is the case then try adding the below section into your web.config:
<proxy proxyaddress="<your proxy address>" bypassonlocal="true" />
You can find the proxy address from the settings of your IE.
NOTE: When you move to different environments then you need to make sure that its the same case else you need to remove the above configuration.
You can set the web.config of the service to allow to use the proxy settings as defined in Internet Explorer.
Sometime in the future.
WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;

setting a WCF service on a http when its already configured for https

We have a service on our 3rd party site which is configured to be invoked on a https (server to firewall and routing everything is configured for https)! Since We are unable to communicate with it due to certificate issue with DataPower on our side, we thought why not test the connectivity on http!
So now they trying to make the WCF Service as http on the same IP and port, they could see the Service not responding to inbound calls and ignoring the http request coming on a https configured IP + port!
I am not sure what can be done to say the .net WCF Service, hey ignore its on http and just get it rolling! They did disable https binding and just try with a http binding!
Any ideas would be great! Thanks!
(P.S. I dont have access to their code or config!)
Is is IIS hosted or self hosted?
If it is hosted in IIS, then IIS needs to have the SSL certificate removed and the configuration set to HTTP instead of HTTPS.
In WCF, you would have to disable Transport security, which is usually in the configuration on the binding, like:
<security mode="Transport">
To disable HTTPS you would need to set mode="None" (or something other than Transport).
This worked for me... Adding this to webconfig or appconfig of the project
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<directoryBrowse enabled="true" />