Dynamic variable different for every Wordpress post: how to declare in loop? - variables

I need a wordpress loop that for every post checks a meta numeric variable previously assigned to each of the taxonomies of the post and returns the sum of these meta variables.
To do so, I think I need a dynamic variable name for the total. I mean something like:
variablerelatedtopost = metataxonomy1 + metataxonomy2 + ... + metataxonomyn
echo variablerelatedtopost
How can I do that? Is it possible to generate a dynamic numeric variable via loop? and HOW can I refer to it in a general way, without adressing it with its name?
Thanks everyone! And sorry for possible English mistakes :P
EDIT: I just realized the code by Alex is not what I wanted. I need a variable which changes name at every post and which value is always = 0. Is there a solution?

can you not just add a counter to your loop like this?
//Total should start # 0 before the loop
$total = 0;
// The Query
$the_query = new WP_Query($args);
// The Loop
while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post();
$amount = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'the_meta_data_field', true);
$total = $total + $amount;
//echo total
echo $total;

I found the solution to my problem: an array which increases its lenght at every cicle of the loop. I know it's simple but since I'm just a beginner it took me a while to think about it. I post the code here so maybe it can help someone (and if you find bugs or have improvements, please tell me)
//Before the loop, empty array
$totale = array();
// WP Loop
while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post();
$totale[] = 0;
$indice = (count($totale)) - 1;
// $termvariable was previously set up as a term meta value
if( has_term( 'numberofterm', 'nameoftaxonomy' ) ) {
$totale[$indice] = $termvariable + $totale[$indice];


Sales Order Confirmation Report - SalesConfirmDP

I am modifying the SalesConfirmDP class and trying to add the CustVendExternalItem.ExternalItemTxt field into a new field I have created.
I have tried a couple of things but I do not think my syntax was correct i.e I declare the CustVendExternalItem table in the class declaration. But then when I try to insert CustVendExternalItem.ExternalItemTxt into my new field, it does not populate, I guess there must be a method which I need to include?
If anyone has any suggestion it would be highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
private void setSalesConfirmDetailsTmp(NoYes _confirmTransOrTaxTrans)
DocuRefSearch docuRefSearch;
// Body
salesConfirmTmp.JournalRecId = custConfirmJour.RecId;
if(_confirmTransOrTaxTrans == NoYes::Yes)
if (printLineHeader)
salesConfirmTmp.LineHeader = custConfirmTrans.LineHeader;
salesConfirmTmp.LineHeader = '';
salesConfirmTmp.ItemId = this.itemId();
salesConfirmTmp.Name = custConfirmTrans.Name;
salesConfirmTmp.Qty = custConfirmTrans.Qty;
salesConfirmTmp.SalesUnitTxt = custConfirmTrans.salesUnitTxt();
salesConfirmTmp.SalesPrice = custConfirmTrans.SalesPrice;
salesConfirmTmp.DlvDate = custConfirmTrans.DlvDate;
salesConfirmTmp.DiscPercent = custConfirmTrans.DiscPercent;
salesConfirmTmp.DiscAmount = custConfirmTrans.DiscAmount;
salesConfirmTmp.LineAmount = custConfirmTrans.LineAmount;
salesConfirmTmp.CurrencyCode = custConfirmJour.CurrencyCode;
salesConfirmTmp.PrintCode = custConfirmTrans.TaxWriteCode;
if (pdsCWEnabled)
salesConfirmTmp.PdsCWUnitId = custConfirmTrans.pdsCWUnitId();
salesConfirmTmp.PdsCWQty = custConfirmTrans.PdsCWQty;
**salesConfirmTmp.ExternalItemText = CustVendExternalItem.ExternalItemTxt;**
if ((custFormletterDocument.DocuOnConfirm == DocuOnFormular::Line)
|| (custFormletterDocument.DocuOnConfirm == DocuOnFormular::All))
docuRefSearch = DocuRefSearch::newTypeIdAndRestriction(custConfirmTrans,
salesConfirmTmp.Notes = Docu::concatDocuRefNotes(docuRefSearch);
salesConfirmTmp.InventDimPrint = this.printDimHistory();
Well, AX cannot guess which record you need, there is a helper class CustVendExternalItemDescription to deal with it:
boolean found;
str externalItemId;
[found, externalItemId, salesConfirmTmp.ExternalItemText] = CustVendExternalItemDescription::findExternalItemDescription(
The findExternalItemDescription method returns more information than you need here, but you have to define variables to store it anyway.
Well, the steps to solve this problem are fairly easy and i will try to give you a step by step approach how to solve this problem.
1) Are you initialising CustVendExternalItem properly? Make a record of the same and initialise it as Jan has shown above, then debug your code and see if the value is being initialised in your DP class.
2)If your value is being initialised correctly, but it is not showing up in the report design there can be multiple issues such as:
Overlapping of text boxes.
Insufficient space for the given field
Some report parameter/property not being set correctly which causes
your value not to show up on the report.
Check these one by one and you should end up arriving towards a solution

Bigcommerce paging through orders

I am pulling back one months of data using:
$page = 1;
$filter = array('page' => $page,'limit' => 250,'min_date_created' => $startDate );
$orders = Bigcommerce::getOrders($filter);
I am passing in $startDate as 2014-01-06 (which works for the orders).
The order has approx 600 so I need to page through the results.
I am using:
$filterCount = array ('status_id' => 2 ,'min_date_created' => $startDate);
$count = Bigcommerce::getOrdersCount($filterCount);
I should then be able to divide $count by 250 to give me my number of pages. However $count is always 8773 no matter how I play around with $filterCount.
Am I doing something dumb here ?
Mr Warby.
You want to call getOrders with your filter parameters instead of getOrdersCount as that resource always returns the total number of orders.
Looking at your code you are using the PHP Library.
Looking at the getCount method it doesn't take a 'filter' argument.
public static function getCount($path)
$response = self::connection()->get(self::$api_path . $path);
if ($response == false || is_string($response)) {
return $response;
return $response->count;
As you said I would use $reponse->count / 250 to give you your pages.
Instead of +1 to this I would use $pages = ceil($reponse->count / 250) then inside your FOR statement use LESS THAN EQUAL TOO and this will always give you the correct amount of pages.
When looping through the pages check for no reponse as your are filtering it between dates the actual pages needed is likely to be a lot less. if an empty object is received you could then break the loop. (I think they are sorted oldest -> newest).
Hope this helps.

Two separate database queries to relate separate tables with Drupal 7 module?

I am developing a custom module for a site I'm working on and have created the following code. This is my first module, so any ideas of what I could be doing better would be appreciate.
As it is, this module works perfectly for me. But, I want to optimize it and be sure that I fix shoddy code.
The function in question is as follows:
// Declared variables for future incrementation
// Call the native global user object from Drupal
global $user;
$userID = $user->uid;
// Check for nodes of given type owned by current user
$sql = db_query("SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE type = 'content_type' AND uid = " . $userID);
// Iteratively checks each node id against a custom Drupal field on a separate table
foreach ($sql as $record) {
// SQL query for all custom fields attached to the node id given above
$query = db_query("SELECT * FROM {field_birth} WHERE entity_id = " . $record->nid);
$result = $query->fetchObject();
// The unmodified birth format (Y-m-d 00:00:00)
$originalBirth = $result->field_date_of_birth_value;
// The sanitized birth format for comparison (Y-m-d)
$birth = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($originalBirth));
// The current date/time (Y-m-d)
$now = date('Y-m-d');
//Future dates (Y-m-d)
$one_year = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 year', strtotime($birth)));
$two_years = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+2 years', strtotime($birth)));
$three_years = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+3 years', strtotime($birth)));
// A count of all records returned before logical statements
// Logic to determine the age of the records
if($now < $one_year) {
else if($now >= $one_year && $now < $two_years) {
else if($now >= $two_years && $now < $three_years) {
else {
My question is, can I avoid having two separate database queries to hit both tables? I am not really sure how to go about that. Also, am I doing things in a manner which will be resource intensive and highly inefficient? As I am not a programmer by trade, I am not certain when code is 'good'. I do want to try my best to make this good code though since it is a module for a website I hope will last a long time.
Thank you stackoverflow community!
EDIT: The code I got working thanks to Mike is as follows. If anyone has a similar question / problem hopefully this will help!
// Join field_birth_table to nodes of given type owned by current user
$sql = db_select('node', 'n');
$sql->join('field_birth_table', 'b', 'n.nid = b.entity_id');
->fields('b', array('field_birth_field_value', 'entity_id'))
->condition('n.type', 'content_type')
->condition('n.status', '1')
->condition('n.uid', $user->uid)
$results = $sql->execute();
You can use a left join between the node and field_birth table:
$query = db_select('node', 'n');
$query->leftJoin('field_birth', 'b', '(b.entity_id = n.nid AND b.entity_type = :node)', array(':node' => 'node'));
->fields('b', array())
->condition('n.type', 'content_type')
->condition('n.uid', $user->uid)
$results = $query->execute();

Increasing value of Javascript Variables?

im processing link click events with mootools.
in my html i have a links with the id of this pattern: toggle_NUMBER e.g. toggle_1
now i get the id with this peace of code
var id = $(this.get('id').replace(togglePrefix,emptyPrefix));
my problem starts now:
i remove the prefix this way
var togglePrefix = 'toggle_', boxPrefix = 'page_', emptyPrefix = '';
so what should remain is a simple number like 1, 2 or 3.
now i tried to increase this number by one
var id_new = parseInt(id)+1;
but this didnt work and i have no clue how to change it!
Variable "id" is an object, because return value of $ function in mootools (and jQuery) is an object.
Try this:
var id_new = $(this).get('id').replace(togglePrefix, emptyPrefix) + 1;
Did you try $(this).next() before you went hacking into the ID?

What is the best way to access an array inside Velocity?

I have a Java array such as:
String[] arr = new String[] {"123","doc","projectReport.doc"};
In my opinion the natural way to access would be:
#set($att_id = $arr[0])
#set($att_type = $arr[1])
#set($att_name = $arr[2])
But that it is not working. I have come with this workaround. But it a bit too much code for such an easy task.
#set($counter = 0)
#foreach($el in $arr)
#set($att_id = $el)
#set($att_type = $el)
#set($att_name = $el)
#set($counter = $counter + 1)
Is there any other way?
You can use use Velocity 1.6: for an array named $array one can simply do $array.get($index).
In the upcoming Velocity 1.7, one will be able to do $array[$index] (as well as $list[$index] and $map[$key]).
You could wrap the array in a List using Arrays.asList(T... a). The new List object is backed by the original array so it doesn't wastefully allocate a copy. Even changes made to the new List will propagate back to the array.
Then you can use $list.get(int index) to get your objects out in Velocity.
If you need to get just one or two objects from an array, you can also use Array.get(Object array, int index)
to get an item from an array.
String[] arr = new String[] {"123", "doc", "projectReport.doc"};
In my opinion the natural way to access would be:
#set($att_id = $arr[0])
#set($att_type = $arr[1])
#set($att_name = $arr[2])
The value for this can be get by using $array.get("arr", 1) because there is no direct way to get the value from array like $att_id = $arr[0] in velocity.
Hope it works :)
Velocity 1.6
$myarray.set(1, 'test')
there is an implicit counter $velocityCount which starts with value 1 so you do not have to create your own counter.
Brian's answer is indeed correct, although you might like to know that upcoming Velocity 1.6 has direct support for arrays; see the Velocity documentation for more information.
I ended up using the ListTool from the velocity-tools.jar. It has methods to access an array's elements and also get its size.
I has the same question and it got answered on another thread
#set ( $Page = $additionalParams.get('Page') )
#set ( $Pages = [] )
#if ( $Page != $null && $Page != "" )
#foreach($i in $Page.split(";"))
Array indexing in Confluence / Velocity templates