Variable scope with same variable name? - objective-c

(Objective C Code)
int i=5;
int i=i;
NSLog(#"Inside Scope: %i",i);
NSLog(#"Outside Scope: %i",i);
3385904 (Garbage)
replacing int i = i; with int i= 10; prints correctly... (Inside the scope's i)
Such as:
And (This code alone)
int i=i;
Compiles, but segfaults immediately.
How are any of these syntax's valid? What use are they, or are they compiler bugs that should have been caught earlier?
Is there any situation where it is necessary for using the same variable names inside a new scope under a new type, and how would you differentiate?
My only thoughts is could be the for() loop, as the compiler would be upset you're redefining int i; twice if you have two loops.

Because you're redefining i, you're setting i to the value for itself that hasn't been set yet.
Simply turning this:
int i=5;
int i=i;
into this:
int i = i;
//int i=5;
//int i=i;
will give you the same varied results. This problem has nothing to do with scope.


Creating threads with pthread_create() doesn't work on my linux

I have this piece of c/c++ code:
void * myThreadFun(void *vargp)
int start = atoi((char*)vargp) % nFracK;
printf("Thread start = %d, dQ = %d\n", start, dQ);
void Opt() {
pthread_t thread[200];
char start[100];
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
sprintf(start, "%d", i);
int ret = pthread_create (&thread[i], NULL, myThreadFun, (void*) start);
printf("ret = %d on thread %d\n", ret, i);
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
pthread_join(thread[i], NULL);
But it should create 10 threads. I don't understand why, instead, it creates n < 10 threads.
The ret value is always 0 (for 10 times).
But it should create 10 threads. I don't understand why, instead, it creates n < 10 threads. The ret value is always 0 (for 10 times).
Your program contains at least one data race, therefore its behavior is undefined.
The provided source is also is incomplete, so it's impossible to be sure that I can test the same thing you are testing. Nevertheless, I performed the minimum augmentation needed for g++ to compile it without warnings, and tested that:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_mutex_t nItermutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
const int nFracK = 100;
const int dQ = 4;
int nIter = 0;
void * myThreadFun(void *vargp)
int start = atoi((char*)vargp) % nFracK;
printf("Thread start = %d, dQ = %d\n", start, dQ);
return NULL;
void Opt() {
pthread_t thread[200];
char start[100];
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
sprintf(start, "%d", i);
int ret = pthread_create (&thread[i], NULL, myThreadFun, (void*) start);
printf("ret = %d on thread %d\n", ret, i);
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
pthread_join(thread[i], NULL);
int main(void) {
return 0;
The fact that its behavior is undefined notwithstanding, when I run this program on my Linux machine, it invariably prints exactly ten "Thread start" lines, albeit not all with distinct numbers. The most plausible conclusion is that the program indeed does start ten (additional) threads, which is consistent with the fact that the output also seems to indicate that each call to pthread_create() indicates success by returning 0. I therefore reject your assertion that fewer than ten threads are actually started.
Presumably, the followup question would be why the program does not print the expected output, and here we return to the data race and accompanying undefined behavior. The main thread writes a text representation of iteration variable i into local array data of function Opt, and passes a pointer to that same array to each call to pthread_create(). When it then cycles back to do it again, there is a race between the newly created thread trying to read back the data and the main thread overwriting the array's contents with new data. I suppose that your idea was to avoid passing &i, but this is neither better nor fundamentally different.
You have several options for avoiding a data race in such a situation, prominent among them being:
initialize each thread indirectly from a different object, for example:
int start[10];
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
start[i] = i;
int ret = pthread_create(&thread[i], NULL, myThreadFun, &start[i]);
Note there that each thread is passed a pointer to a different array element, which the main thread does not subsequently modify.
initialize each thread directly from the value passed to it. This is not always a viable alternative, but it is possible in this case:
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
start[i] = i;
int ret = pthread_create(&thread[i], NULL, myThreadFun,
reinterpret_cast<void *>(static_cast<std::intptr_t>(i)));
accompanied by corresponding code in the thread function:
int start = reinterpret_cast<std::intptr_t>(vargp) % nFracK;
This is a fairly common idiom, though more often used when writing in pthreads's native language, C, where it's less verbose.
Use a mutex, semaphore, or other synchronization object to prevent the main thread from modifying the array before the child has read it. (Left as an exercise.)
Any of those options can be used to write a program that produces the expected output, with each thread responsible for printing one line. Supposing, of course, that the expectations of the output do not include that the relative order of the threads' outputs will be the same as the relative order in which they were started. If you want that, then only the option of synchronizing the parent and child threads will achieve it.

c++ program multiple declaraton error

I am getting multiple declaration error in this c++ program
void main ()
{ clrscr();
int a[10][10],r,q,i;
cout<<"enter how many rows and colomn you want in the matrix:";
cout<<"enter the matrix \n";
for(int r=0;r<n;++r)
for(int q=0;q<n;++q)
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
{ cout<<"\n the diagnol elements are:";
it is a program for finding diagnol elements in a matrix
That's because you have already declared the r, q, i as int at line 5 as below:
int a[10][10],r,q,i;
While your three for loops, again re-declares for e.g. like this:
for(int r=0;r<n;++r)
So it re-declares the same variable in above case it's r, while the other for loop q and i which is not allowed.
Two ways to solve the problem:
a. Either you remove int from your for loop.
b. Either you remove declaration of variables used in for loop from line 5.
The only issue i am seeing is, you are not declaring the variable "n" . Other than that, everything seems to be fine.

return of a local variable by ref works

Take a look at this C++ code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class B{
int& f() {
int local_n = 447;
return local_n ;
} // local_n gets out of scope here
int main()
B b;
int n = b.f(); // and now n = 447
I don't understand why n = 447 at the end of main, because I tried to return a reference to a local_n, when it should be NULL;
Returning a reference to a local variable invokes undefined behavior - meaning you might get lucky and it might work... sometimes... or it might format your hard drive or summon nasal demons. In this case, the compiler generated code that managed to copy the old value off the stack before it got overwritten with something else. Oh, and references do not have a corresponding NULL value...
Edit - here's an example where returning a reference is a bad thing. In your example above, since you copy the value out of the reference immediately before calling anything else, it's quite possible (but far from guaranteed) that it might work most of the time. However, if you bind another reference to the returned reference, things won't look so good:
extern void call_some_other_functions();
extern void lucky();
extern void oops();
int& foo()
{ int bar = 0;
return bar;
{ int& x = foo();
x = 5;
if (x == 5)

cli::array<int> to iterator in c++-cli

I have managed class with function:
int DoSomething(cli::array<int>^ values) { .. }
In DoSomething I must call native function:
template <class It>
int Calculate(It beg, It end) {..}
Which iterator to use?
You'll want to use a pinning pointer to the managed array. This will fix the array in memory (i.e. make it so the garbage collector can't move it) and then you can treat it as a native array. Below is a sample using your methods.
Take note, that you need to finish using the array before the pinning pointer goes out of scope--once the pinning pointer goes out of scope, the managed array is no longer pinned, and the garbage collector is free to move the array.
Also, take note that pinning the first element of the array causes the entire managed array to be pinned (in general using a pinning pointer on one part of a managed object causes the entire managed object to be pinned).
template <class It> int Calculate(It beg, It end)
int sum = 0;
for (; beg != end; ++beg)
int i = *beg;
sum += i;
return sum;
int DoSomething(cli::array<int>^ values)
int numValues = values->Length;
pin_ptr<int> pNativeValuesBegin = &values[0];
int * pBegin = pNativeValuesBegin;
int * pEnd = pBegin + numValues;
return Calculate(pBegin, pEnd);
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
array<int> ^ values = gcnew array<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int sum = DoSomething(values);
return 0;

Is this the right way for a block inside a struct to access a member variable in the same struct?

I'm experimenting with Obj-C blocks and trying to have a struct with two blocks in it where one block is to change what the other block does.
this is a really roundabout way to do something simple... and there may be better ways to do it, but the point of the exercise is for me to understand blocks. here's the code , it doesn't work, so what am I missing/not understanding and/or doing wrong?
//enumerate my math operation options so i can have something more understandable
//than 0, 1, 2, etc... also makes it easier to add operations, as opTypeTotal
//will be 1 plus the index of the operation before it.
typedef enum
opTypeAdd = 0,
opTypeSubtract = 1,
} opType;
//not sure if (struct someMathStruct)* is correct, probably is wrong
//the intent is to pass a pointer to someMathStruct, but the compiler
//won't know about its existance until a few lines later...
typedef (void)(^changeBlock)(opType,(struct someMathStruct)*);
typedef (void)(^mathBlock)(int,int,int*);
//hold two blocks, to be defined later at runtime
typedef struct someMathStruct{
mathBlock doMath;
changeBlock changeOperation;
} SomeMath;
//i want to declare an array of blocks of type mathBlock
//the intent is to have the array index to correspond with the opTypes enumerated above
//almost certain i'm doing this wrong
mathBlock *m[opTypeTotal] = malloc(sizeof(mathBlock *)*opTypeTotal);
//just two simple math operations as blocks
m[opTypeAdd] = ^(void)(int a,int b,int *result){*result = a+b;};
m[opTypeSubtract] = ^(void)(int a,int b,int *result){*result = a-b;};
//this block is what's supposed to change the other block in the struct
//it takes an opType, and a pointer to the SomeMath struct
//is this the right way to access the member variables of the struct?
changeBlock changeMe = ^(void)(opType a, SomeMath *b) {
//should make adding operations as easy as just adding cases
switch (a)
case opTypeAdd: *b.doMath=m[a]; break;
case opTypeSubtract:
default: *b.doMath=m[a]; //catch-all goes to subtracting
SomeMath mathFun;
int theTotal = 0; //a test int to work with
//do i need to copy the changeMe block?
//or can i just do what i'm doing here as the block itself isn't unique
mathFun.changeOperation = changeMe;
mathFun->changeOperation(opTypeAdd, &mathFun);
mathFun->doMath(theTotal,11,&theTotal); //result should be 11
mathFun->changeOperation(opTypeSubtract, &mathFun);
mathFun->doMath(theTotal,3,&theTotal); //result should be 8
NSLog(#"the result: %d",theTotal); //should output "the result: 8"
The code seems to work as you expect (the result is 8) once you fix the compilation errors:
Compile with: gcc -o test test.m -framework Foundation
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
//enumerate my math operation options so i can have something more understandable
//than 0, 1, 2, etc... also makes it easier to add operations, as opTypeTotal
//will be 1 plus the index of the operation before it.
typedef enum
opTypeAdd = 0,
opTypeSubtract = 1,
} opType;
struct someMathStruct; // Forward declare this as a type so we can use it in the
// changeBlock typedef
typedef void (^changeBlock) (opType,struct someMathStruct*);
typedef void (^mathBlock) (int,int,int*);
//hold two blocks, to be defined later at runtime
typedef struct someMathStruct{
mathBlock doMath;
changeBlock changeOperation;
} SomeMath;
int main()
//i want to declare an array of blocks of type mathBlock
//the intent is to have the array index to correspond with the opTypes
// enumerated above
mathBlock *m = calloc(opTypeTotal, sizeof(mathBlock *));
//just two simple math operations as blocks
m[opTypeAdd] = ^(int a,int b,int *result){*result = a+b;};
m[opTypeSubtract] = ^(int a,int b,int *result){*result = a-b;};
changeBlock changeMe = ^(opType a, SomeMath *b) {
//should make adding operations as easy as just adding cases
switch (a)
case opTypeAdd: b->doMath = m[a]; break;
case opTypeSubtract:
default: b->doMath = m[a]; //catch-all goes to subtracting
SomeMath mathFun;
int theTotal = 0; //a test int to work with
mathFun.changeOperation = changeMe;
mathFun.changeOperation(opTypeAdd, &mathFun);
mathFun.doMath(theTotal,11,&theTotal); //result should be 11
mathFun.changeOperation(opTypeSubtract, &mathFun);
mathFun.doMath(theTotal,3,&theTotal); //result should be 8
NSLog(#"the result: %d",theTotal); //should output "the result: 8"