Migrate phpBB forum to phpFox - migration

I am struggling to find a migration tool from phpBB to phpFox. It seems that there is no ready made script so I would have to do it myself. I want to use the default phpFox forum.
I would appreciate some insight if anyone has done a similar thing. Or if it is possible to somehow integrate phpBB with phpFox?

It depends on what you need to migrate. posts, user data, categories etc


Is there a way to integrate my youtube community posts into my website?

I was already aware that using Twitter's API you could link any tweet you made on Twitter onto a feed on another website.
However, I want to possibly, in the future or right now, be able to use YouTube's API to link my posts on my community page to my website updates. Of course, I would rewrite the code and get rid of my Twitter updates and API and replace it with the YouTube community posts API, but first I need to know if it is even possible. I know, YouTube community posts are relatively new, so there might not be an easy answer for this. Maybe someone could point me in a direction to find answers, if there are any. I could make a post about this on the YouTube support forums, but I'm sure you're all aware that the most I'll get is an automated response, not a real person to help me out. Any help is appreciated. I look forward to your responses and advice.

Does Google Data Studio have API functionality, and if not, will it in the near future?

I'm trying to automate a workflow using Google Data Studio. Requirements are simple - I need to be able to programatically copy a templated report (from a Python/Java application) and import/set a data source (Google Sheets doc) for that report. Nothing more fancy (no visualisation creation, formatting, or anything graphical, etc.).
Sources here, here and here (last two require Google Cloud Console account) suggest an API does exist (and detail a setup process to access it). However, after going through this setup process, I can find no details or documentation of any functionality, and consequently have been unable to progress.
Can anyone authoritatively state whether:
1. There does exist any API functionality for GDS? and
2. If not, are there plans to develop such? (since the Google links above suggest there is, I'm wondering if this means it's in the pipeline for near future).
The only directly related SO posts I can find are here and here. The first suggests there isn't, but doesn't account for the Google links I've provided above which suggest there is; the second doesn't really cover the same use case, so doesn't provide answers applicable here.
FYI - I've posted a Google Community forum post here asking essentially the same question.
If anyone is able to help out, that would be greatly appreciated :) Many thanks in advance for your time and help! :)
Fresh as of 2022-05-23
There does exist any API functionality for GDS?
Not in the way you are expecting. The three links you posted all refer to the current Data Studio API. The only things you can do with that API is view your Data Studio assets and update permissions. That's it. This API won't let you create/copy/modify reports or data sources.
If not, are there plans to develop such?
Not in the near future. You can make/vote for this feature request in the official tracker. More popular feature requests are usually prioritized in roadmaps.
That being said, a lot of the API use cases can be resolved using combinations of Community Connectors, config parameters, direct linking, viewer's credentials, Linking/Integration API etc.

REST API for Whiskerboard

I need some help with implementing a status board with a REST API. I've already found the two best options (in my opinion): Stashboard and Whiskerboard.
I have already tried Whiskerboard and I find it easy to install and deploy because it does not need Google App Engine's SDK to be used locally. However, I need something like Stashboard's REST API: http://readthedocs.org/docs/stashboard/en/latest/restapi.html
I know that Whiskerboard is based on Stashboard so probably they have the same REST API. But I cannot seem to find any documentation on Whiskerboard's REST API. Moreover, I looked into each status board's models and there are lots of differences, with Whiskerboard's being largely simpler compared with that of Stashboard's, so they must not have the same REST API.
I will appreciate it if anyone can provide me a link to Whiskerboard's REST API which should be much like Stashboard's. If there really is none, some other solutions could still be suggested. Thank you in advance!
No, it doesn't have the same REST API. You could find this out by reading the code. If you want a similar REST API you have the following options:
Code the feature yourself.
Ask the developer of Whiskerboard for the feature.
Ask someone else at your organization to code and contribute the feature.
Good luck.
You can check out this solution forked by sijis and myself, jvasallo, that we have been working on. He forked the repo for whiskerboard and added an API to it. Still uses Django, and recently I did some work porting it to 1.5.1. Initially, Whiskerboard is a 1.3 Django app.

Automated posting on a myspace blog

I intend to automatically post an article teaser on a myspace blog when I publish it on another website. Is this possible using one of the official APIs or will I have to get down to the nitty-gritty and do this manually?
I know the "Share on myspace" mechanism, but it does not allow to do blog posts.
I finally found a plugin for the cms b2evolution that should provide enough help to write an own solution. Other suggestions are still welcome.

Creating a login section - Im new an need some serious direction please!

Alright. So I am new, I know my way around html pretty well, and have gotten by for a while now doing so. But today I am presented with a seemingly simple issue.
My client needs the ability for users to create their own LOGIN/PASSWORD, my client wants to be able to MANUALLY approve visitors. And he want to be able to track how many times they login.
The login section will just be about 4 pages of PDF file downloads.
I cant imagine this is the hardest thing in the world, I just have no clue where to even start. Perhaps there is a code already written, as things like this are done every day using forum technologies...
Please help!
It may also help to mention that I am using Dreamweaver cs4 on a MAC
I'd check out Ruby on Rails if I were you. It's pretty easy to get something quick up with it that you can have users create accounts with that send e-mails to the client with approve/reject options, and be able to track downloads and users via MySQL or other databases.
I've found Agile Development with Rails to be a great source of info on how to do stuff like this (they do an online bookstore as the book's example) and with a little modification I think it should work for what you say you want to do (and the book is pretty cheap as far as programming books go).
If you want just really basic static login features without lots of coding, you can start with Password protecting your pages with htaccess. You can password protect directories like this without any effort at all. This way, you can be sure that your login routine is secure.
Then, you can continue with advanced features like account administration and login statistics. These will require some programming skills.
Tracking count of user logins should be easy too. You can put simple PHP code to the source of protected pages that will save the info about login to the database. This will require you to study some basics of databases. You can use plaintext files which is not as clean but much easier and it will allow you to export info for your client more easily.
If you want to do it profesionally, you should invest in learning about web development or hire someone to do it for you. These tasks might not be trivial.
Have you worked with PHP, ASP.Net or some other web language yet? What you're trying to isn't too difficult in the grand scheme of things but it may be somewhat challenging if you haven't programmed before and/or haven't had any experience with web development.
(P.s. Alter your question as a response and comment on my answer when you're finished.)
As you are looking into Ruby on Rails, take a look at bort which is a RoR app skeletton with RESTful authentication included, it should help (Chris Bunch answered on the general RoR question).
There is also this bort fork. There is also Authlogic which may be easier to work with.
Have a look at the ASP.net Membership provider and also the login controls which provides the UI for the login as well as registration screens out of the box.
Here is a Multipart Series on ASP.NET's Membership, Roles, and Profile
If this is too complex than probably you can also design you application from scratch using ASP.net. If you don't know asp.net than the best place to start is www.asp.net it has several videos and tutorials which would help you get going soon.