Is there no WebGL implementation in Opera 12.0? - opera

I am trying to get WebGL running with Opera 12.0 (Mac OS X Lion).
The Opera Website states that WebGL is supported, although if I check it via the WebGL check website, Opera doesn't really seem to work.
Everything I tried is working fine in latest Chrome.
Is there anything I have to change in Opera's prefs to enable WebGL or is it just not supported at all?

Open opera:gpu and see if your video card is block-listed.
If there is a text: Vega backend: Software, it means HW Acceleration got auto disabled because of previous crashes ;) Easiest fix is re-installation. Or separate side-by-side installation.
I have had a similar problem yesterday, now its fixed - and i can see:
For google webgl experiments - many of them do not work even in chrome 17.

Make sure that you have webGL enabled in options which are acessible through url:
just type webgl in search input


How to enable Safari ITP Debug mode

I'd like to force Safari to mark one of my domains as tracker with new ITP 2.0.
I followed the guide here
Since the new Technology Preview version (66) doesn't have ITP Debug mode I've used normal Safari 12.0 on macOS Mojave. After enabling ITP Debug mode and restaring Safari I don't see anything in logs as the guide suggest nor does setting
defaults write ResourceLoadStatisticsManualPrevalentResource
have any effect (even with Safari instead of SafariTechnologyPreview). Do I need to change any other Safari or OS settings?
I've managed to get Safari Technology Preview 63 download link ( via InternetArchive, ITP Debug mode works there.
Thank you Jakob. That helped me. To clarify your link, that version is only for OSX Mojave. Build 62 for High Sierra is available here:
On newer version of Safari Technology Preview, or inside Safari 13.1+, you should use these updated steps for enabling debug, because the labels have changed:
It says Catalina, but they also work for Mojave.

Are HEIC/HEIF Files Supported In Safari

Trying to figure out if Safari does or doesn't support iOS 11's new image format HEIC/HEIF. Have tried numerous things and it doesn't appear to work. Thanks.
By checking on CanIUse, iOS11 dose't support HEIF in Safari, and I just have a test on iOS11.0.3, yep, it is really not supported.
On MacOS, it is supported on specified platform, which seems like KabyLake CPU, you can check it on WWDC.
Apple said macOS High Sierra will support the HEIF, you can try it.

Render camera preview in Chrome using Native Client SDK

I'm trying to write ppapi plugin for Chrome which will use webcam (show preview and write file). I have installed NaCl sdk with pepper_35.
There available examples in /examples/api/ folder: media_stream_audio and media_stream_video.
The audio example works fine - requests access to microphone and shows some kind of preview.
The "media_stream_video" example must show web-camera video preview, but when I load example on the local web server (with make serve command), there appears red rect, and Chrome asks for the web camera access. When I click “allow” - webcam indicator lights-up, chrome show that web page uses the web camera, and I see the camera settings icon. But the preview doesn't work, there still red rectangle instead.
I checked this on Windows 8.1, Windows 7 and Mac OS X, with five different webcams, and have no idea what can be wrong.
Maybe someone already encountered with the same problem?
Installing the pepper_37(dev) version of NaCl SDK solved the problem. Looks like it is unstable version currently, but it works.

WebGL support in TideSDK

Does the webkit view used by TideSDK have WebGL support enabled?
Would it also be possible to configure the web view to use native OpenGL on Windows instead of ANGLE emulation for the shaders? (like the way you can start Chrome with the --use-gl=desktop option)
They are close to getting webgl support.
Follow this issue
Looks like it will be supported in 1.4 release according to their blog. I haven't found an expected release date for it yet

Safari browser - Mac vs Windows vs iOS

Can anyone let me know what is the difference between testing a Safari 5 in Windows vs Mac? Are there significant changes in how the page is rendered between windows vs Mac for the same version of Safari? If I test a page in Windows Safari, can I expect the page works exactly same in Mac Safari as long as Safari version matches?
Not significant but there are subtle differences, it's difficult to list them as I think it will depend on the html/css and version.
I have noticed small differences on one of my sites in the past, but as I can't remember the details I've found another example that someone has documented.
Anyway, I've satisfied myself that the differences I've seen are too subtle to fully test every release on each machine (the budget is small!), only on major changes.
One small difference for instance is that the iOS version won't allow you autoplay of any media (audio or video) in its html5 player whilst the Windows and Mac versions do.
i notice few thing in windows safari and mac safari,when we choose an image in windows safari then its not display as preview but in mac safari its display as preview before File reader api is not supporting blog type.