smartGWT and Eclipse with WindowBuilder - eclipse-plugin

I am using eclipse Helios with SmartGWT. If I start the WindowBuilder to design a GUI I always get this error message:
WindowBuilder supports only SmartGWT versions 2.2, 2.3. But 2.4 found.
I tried to use SmartGWT Version 2.2 by removing the 2.4 jars and adding the 2.2 jars.
However the message remained the same. If I use the GWT Designer it works, but I do not get the SmartGWT controls, but just he usual ones fropm GWT.
I know that I had it working with SmartGWT 2.4 some ancient time but I have no idea what's wrong now...
Does anybody have an idea ? It would already help I could get the smartgwt controls to the WT designer but I have no idea on how to do that...
Thanks very much

You have to follow the instructions here.
To summarize:
create a new java project with the gwt designer class found here
add the version numbers to the VALID_VERSIONS and VALID_VERSIONS_STRINGS in the code (eg, "3.0", "3.1", "4.0")
you'll have to add the following JAR's from your Indigo plugins folder:
close eclipse
open with 7Zip or something and replace the class files, which will be under your project bin folder
This seems to be working well with SmartGWT 4.0 also. Unfortunately we're still stuck with using Indigo with WindowBuilder. Juno might work for simple GWT, but I don't remember. Kepler isn't working at all.


My Netbeans 12.2 on Ubuntu only has lightweight & temporary C++ IDE, can't find the real one

In Netbeans 12.2 on Ubuntu 18.04 (using that snap install), for my C++ plugin I have that first image. When I try to create a new project I get that second image. That is some kind of a lightweight version that does not do your makefiles for you. If I try to open an existing C++ project it just never IDs any project file or folder as the right one. And notice that this version does not include a "Create from source code".
Does anyone know how I can install the "real" c++ plugin? I've looked in a lot of tutorials but they all say it should be there under Available Plugins, but it is not there.
This comes very late but it seems that Netbeans 12 lacks some components for this.
Therefore you must enable Netbeans 8.2 Plugin Portal from Plugins Settings.
Then deactivate the C/C++ and then force updates from Updates -> Check for Updates. Restart IDE and install 8.2 C/C++ plugin.
Note: I have lead into this problem now because unpack2000 is no more present.
The validation of downloaded plugins cannot be completed, cause: NBM ../.netbeans/12.4/update/download/org-netbeans-modules-cnd-kit.nbm needs unpack200 to process following entries:
This can be resolved by installing jre-11 (if it is not present already. I have it on Opensuse Thubleweed amogst with jre-16).
So then you just start netbeans from terminal with:
$ netbeans --jdkhome "/usr/lib64/jvm/jre-11"
...and then install blugin, and when it is ready close netbeans and start it normally again.
Just wanted to report that the answer from Devspain also works with Netbeans 14, in Ubuntu 22.04.

JBoss Tools 4.16.0 Final completely freeze Eclipse 4.16 (2020-06)

I'm using Eclipse EE 4.16 (2020-06) - on Windows 10 Professional x64 - and I've tried to install the JBoss Tools 4.16.0 Final Plugin for it.
It literally break the IDE, whatever I try to do the IDE freezes: If I copy -> paste some code the IDE freezes for about 10 seconds (the screen become gray and Eclipse not responding).. the same thing happens if I try to navigate through classes or method (even worst..).
I tries even with Eclipse EE 4.15 (2020-03) but I obtain the same result.
Googling around I have found hypothetical solutions regarding eclipse.ini file changes but nothing works.
I attach a thread dump here.
Can you help me?
can you please also try Its based on Eclipse 2020-09, so it could help.
Which JDK version are you using?
Thanks for response!
FYI: you can also report issues related Jboss Tools in JIRA:

Mule - Updating third party library in runtime

I'm using Mule Server 3.8 EE which brings commons-lang 2.4 with it. A third-party library in my project needs commons-lang 2.6, because it uses a method that was introduced in this version.
So when I just start my application, I get a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
Is there a way to update the dependency in the runtime? What I tried so far:
including commons-lang 2.6 in my app -> no effect, the one from the runtime is picked up first
replacing the jar directly in the runtime -> errors in studio, that the 2.4 jar is missing
so maybe i am late BUT -- this is your answer. Add the libraries that are newer in the jar distribution to the Build Path. Under Java Build Path screen you should see the libraries listed. I needed to use Apache http-client 4.5.6 and that's very interesting because it brings with it a lot of other dependencies, so your question was VERY relevant. The solution is to rely on JAVA (and not mule -- oops Anypoint or whatever) conventions and make sure the JVM loads my class files first. Then, it won't load the old ones from mule's jar. And so I went to the tab Order and Export, and moved Mule to the bottom. This simple, trivial change makes it work. I think if we would work with command line and vim, we would all know this. But all the IDE gui and everything else makes us forget the simplest things. Please use it in good health. :)

Dojo version upgrade from 1.3 to 1.7.3

While changing the dojo version from 1.3 to 1.7.3, I simply replaced all my dojo 1.3 folder files with dojo 1.7.3. After rebuilding my web application, I am getting error hxrFailed at dojo.js, line no 15.
What is the wrong that I am facing here? Do I need to change any existing code. Is there any document to refer for all the required changes.
Please help me to get out from this issue.
Lots changed and there are some lengthy tutorials to help you migrate. Check out the documentation tab on Dojo's website:
1.x to 2.0 migration guide:
Updated buildsystem tutorial:
In theory the current (1.8) build system is backward compatible until 2.0, but in practice I'm not sure it is 100% backward compatible because my 1.6 build profile didn't work with 1.7.x and up. I didn't try that hard to get it to work though.
I have gone through the same. the xhrFailed error occurred for me for multiple reasons. One of the reason was a missing a file in the define as below:
Another cause for the same error occurred was when a folder in a path of a dependency was renamed but not updated in the application build profile. (This case only if your are doing custom builds).
See if that is the case!

Netbeans 7.2 not reflects modification on html, jsp pages

Recently i moved from netbeans 6.9 to Netbeans 7.2, while working on 6.9, i have handy functionality of after deployed my project if i do modifications in html or jsp pages i can see when i refresh the page in browser. But while using 7.2 it's not available, so each time i need to build, and deploy for changes get updated.
So i gotta few suggestions like
Check->Compile on save in project properties
Uncheck->Deploy on save in project properties, but still it's not working.
Any idea what i have missed.
Thanks in advance.!
I must say this scenario works fine for me - I don't see any problem. What kind of project are you using - Ant-based or Maven-based? The best thing would be if you can file a P2 issue in the bug database, so we can investigate. Thank you.
This happened to me as well. I tried renaming the project to a new name not the project folder and re run. It worked for me. Try for yourself.