Clickable ad banner on loading screen is ios app - objective-c

I want to add clickable ad banned on launch screen of my app, how can I do that? Help me, please. Thank you

Please note that the default splash screen is just an image so if you want to add an ad to the launch screen you will need to make custom view that changes after some time. Here is a good tutorial for adding iAd integration to iPhone application.


LaunchScreen and Storyboard in Xcode

I am New to IPhone Development.I am Creating a sample app to just know how to make Iphone apps. I came across Launch screen and Storyboard in the project Description, But was not able to understand what is the role of launch screen and Storyboard.Can anyone plz explain briefly about both. Can i Delete LaunchScreen.xib from my project.?
See Launch Screen is something in which you can use that as
Splash Screen or Start Screen for your application.
In StoryBoard only you can create all the front end functionality of your application so both StoryBorad and LaunchScreen are important don't delete it.
Launch Screen is always first screen of your app. Also according to apple, "You use a launch XIB or storyboard file to indicate that your app runs on iPhone 6 Plus or iPhone 6."
While in Storyboard you create rest of your applications screens.
For more info about Launch Screen refer this
And Storyboarding is here.
Hope, this helps.

black space below tabbar on iphone 5

I'm currently developing a new app. This app has a login screen. When you login. You go to a tabbar controller. But below my tabbar there is a black space. You can see it below here. Anybody has an idea how to get this right?
Yes this is normal, your app does not support the 4" screen size. To make sure that apps do not break apple will run apps that do not support the 4" screen in 3.5" mode.
To get your app to support the 4" Screen size add new start screen with the name Default-568h#2x.png with the dimension of 640x1136
Add Splash image of dimension 640x1136 with name Default-568h#2x.png and check again..

Admob view does not present a full screen ad on click

I'm trying to figure out why its happening to my banner view, it should present a full screen ad on click, it does not do that.
my banner view is a subview of a viewcontroller witch is a part of a tabbar view controllers
what should I do, does anyone know whats my banner problem?
on click I get an ad in the bannerview and not a fullscreen down to top animated banner
//Additional info
I found out that after my second ad request it does not open a full screen on touchup inside
I found the error, because I reload the banner by requesting another ad without initializing the bannerview
Thanks everyone
What happens when you touch ad banner depends upon admob. You only must be sure that ad banner is touchable. Not always get a full screen on click, also can redirect tu app store, for example.
So seeing some code on your implementation would help us diagnose this issue. Without seeing this code though, I'm assuming that if your banner is displaying properly and the full screen modal won't show it's a rootviewController issue.
Are you setting the rootViewController to be your tabBarController?

Facebook sdk login appears whenever UITable is used

I have implemented Facebook into my app but now I find that whenever I try using a UITableView elsewhere, the Facebook Login screen appears in the view instead and it is covering up the table that should be there. It is like the login screen functionality is in the background (I cannot interact with the login screen) but it is displayed in the foreground?
I implemented everything as the tutorial on fb shows... Including what is needed in the app delegate. If anyone knows what code I need to modify within the Facebook sdk it would be much appreciated!
P.S. If you would like the code... I can post its just there is a quite a bit of it
Make the UITableWhite and it seems to cover up the Facebook

Add a video into splash screen or in the first view of the app (IOS xcode 4.0)

I'm a beginner in IOS but I need to show a video when the app is launching.
Please Can you help me?
If is impossible to implement a video on a splash view, there are any idea to create that?
If I have an orthographic mistake, sorry I come from Spain. ;D
The "splash" screen can only be an image to be used as a placeholder until your app is able to start up. Even if you found a way to get a video to play, which I don't think is possible, it is against Apple's HIG for how the startup screen is supposed to be used.
It would be possible to load your video in its own view immediately after the splash screen. You would need to check for a first time run to determine whether to show it, unless you plan to show it each and every time. Hope this helps.
Apple Human Interface Guide