UniFile ReadNamedFields - unidata

I'm currently using IBM's UniObjects and I trying to retrieve multiple fields from a UniFile at once to increase efficiency.
UniFile uFile = uSession.CreateUniFile("fileName");
uFile.RecordID = inputID;
string[] fieldNames = {"I_Field_1", "D_Field_1", "I_Field_2", "D_Field_2"};
UniDynArray uFields = uFile.ReadNamedFields(fieldNames);
uFields value:
þ = delimiter for the UniDynArray
The problem is that half of these fields are I-descriptors and half are D-descriptors. The I-descriptors will not output unless only a single one of them is in the array fieldNames like so:
string[] fieldNames = {"I_Field_1"};
UniDynArray uFields = uFile.ReadNamedFields(fieldNames);
So I guess my question is why are the I-descriptor fields not being displayed and if there is a way they can be using this or a similar method.
I'm new to stackoverflow as well as an entry-level developer so thank you for any help you can provide.

It sounds like an defect with UniObject's. Since you say it is IBM's UniObject's, you most likely have an old version (UniData/UniVerse is owned by Rocket Software now).
Assuming you are on an old version, it is possible this works in a newer version. You should look into scheduling an update of your UniData server and hence client software such as UniObjects.
Outside of this, you can probably raise a bug with your VAR/Support Provider or Rocket Software directly.


How to list all topics created by me

How can I get a list of all topics that I created?
I think it should be something like
%SEARCH{ "versions[-1].info.author = '%USERNAME%" type="query" web="Sandbox" }%
but that returns 0 results.
With "versions[-1]" I get all topics, and with "info.author = '%USERNAME%'" a list of the topics where the last edit was made by me. Having a list of all topics where any edit was made by me would be fine, too, but "versions.info.author = '%USERNAME%'" again gives 0 results.
I’m using Foswiki-1.0.9. (I know that’s quite old.)
The right syntax would be
%SEARCH{ "versions[-1,info.author='%USERNAME%']" type="query" web="Sandbox"}%
But that's not performing well, i.e. on your old Foswiki install.
Better is to install DBCacheContrib and DBCachePlugin and use
This plugin caches the initial author in a way it does not have to retrieve the information from the revision system for every topic under consideration during query time.

Open CMIS - Querying string property results in weird behavior

I'm executing the following SQL query:
SELECT doc.cmis:description, doc.cmis:name
FROM cmis:document doc
WHERE IN_FOLDER(doc,'folderID')
This result in something like below:
doc.cmis:description = "this is description"
doc.cmis:name = "fileName"
Now, if I add following statements, it returns zero result:
and doc.cmis:description = 'this is description'
However, if I modify and-statement with following, it works:
and doc.cmis:description like '%'
If I add one character (but not two interestingly...) as below, it also works:
and doc.cmis:description like '%t%'
It's very interesting to note that and-statement work very well with doc.cmis:name (as well as other properties).
Does anyone have clue as to why this strange / mysterious behavior is occurring?
The specifications delegate to the implementer if the cmis:description is queryable or not.
Anyway, which Alfresco version are you using ? There was an issue/bug time ago, but this should be solved: The cmis:description field should be queryable, although I don't know if it's fixed in enterprise or community.
By the way, I am currently using Alfresco Community 4.2.f and I have the same problem.

How to set an SQL parameters in Apps Scripts and BigQuery

I am trying to avoid a sql injection. This topic has been dealt with in Java (How to prevent query injection on Google Big Query) and Php.
How is this accomplished in App Scripts? I did not find how to add a parameter to a SQL statement. Here is what I had hoped to do:
var sql = 'SELECT [row],etext,ftext FROM [hcd.hdctext] WHERE (REGEXP_MATCH(etext, esearch = ?) AND REGEXP_MATCH(ftext, fsearch = ?));';
var queryResults;
var resource = {
query: sql,
timeoutMs: 1000,
queryResults = BigQuery.Jobs.query(resource,projectNumber);
And then have esearch and fsearch filled in with the values (which could be set elsewhere).
That does not work, according to the doc.
Any suggestions on how to get a parameter in an SQL query? (I could not find a setString function...)
Unfortunately, BigQuery doesn't support this type of parameter substitution. It is on our list of features to consider, and I'll bump the priority since it seems like this is a common request.
The only suggestion that I can make in the mean time is that if you are building query strings by hand, you will need to make sure you escape them carefully (which is a non-trivial operation).

How can I call a WCF service from code, in the .net framework 3

I'm working in VB.Net and I'm trying to make a piece of code more generic.
In fact, there's a big Select Case statement that build a ProxyServer based on a value passed in parameter (a string).
Select Case _strNteraHL7
Case Constantes.NomPRPMIN306010
strUrl = ObtenirUrl("ProviderDetailsQuery", _strVersion, _strEnvir, True, _blnSimulCAIS, _blnSimulPDS, _blnSimulPDSSIIR, _blnSimulPDSInteg)
objWsHL7 = New wsProviderDetailsQuery.ProviderDetailsQueryClient(objBinding, New EndpointAddress(strUrl))
Case Constantes.NomPRPMIN301010
strUrl = ObtenirUrl("AddProvider", _strVersion, _strEnvir, True, _blnSimulCAIS, _blnSimulPDS, _blnSimulPDSSIIR, _blnSimulPDSInteg)
objWsHL7 = New wsAddProvider.AddProviderClient(objBinding, New EndpointAddress(strUrl))
The objects like "wsAddProvider" and "wsProviderDetailsQuery" in the previous example are service references that have been added through the GUI of Visual Studio...
What I want to know, is basically, if I can call this constructor from a certain pool containing service references, similar as when I want to call a control in a controls container...
for example:
objWsHL7 = new wcfServicesContainer("serviceNameHere", paramArray())
or something similar, so I can remove all those big switch cases, that repeat the same thing 30 times.
objWsHL7 being an object or type "object" at compiling.
Sorry if I didn't mention enough detail, feel free to let me know if you need more, I don't really know what information I have to provide for this.
Edit: I've spotted another piece of code here that uses similar calls, maybe it'll help understanding...
Again, in another switch case statement,
objMsgHL7Out = _objWsHL7.ProviderDetailsQuery(_objMsgIn)
objMsgHL7Out is a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message
_objMsgIn is a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message
_objWsHL7 is an Object
Try this:
Create a hashmap of HashMap<string, string>
Add Constantes.NomPRPMIN306010, ... as key and "AddProvider", ... as value.
call ObtenirUrl(hashmap[_strNteraHL7], ...

Translate SQL to OCL?

I have a piece of SQL that I want to translate to OCL. I'm not good at SQL so I want to increase maintainability by this. We are using Interbase 2009, Delphi 2007 with Bold and modeldriven development. Now my hope is that someone here both speaks good SQL and OCL :-)
The original SQL:
Select Bold_Id, MessageId, ScaniaId, MessageType, MessageTime, Cancellation, ChassieNumber, UserFriendlyFormat, ReceivingOwner, Invalidated, InvalidationReason,
(Select Parcel.MCurrentStates From Parcel
Where ScaniaEdiSolMessage.ReceivingOwner = Parcel.Bold_Id) as ParcelState From ScaniaEdiSolMessage
Where MessageType = 'IFTMBP' and
not Exists (Select * From ScaniaEdiSolMessage EdiSolMsg
Where EdiSolMsg.ChassieNumber = ScaniaEdiSolMessage.ChassieNumber and EdiSolMsg.ShipFromFinland = ScaniaEdiSolMessage.ShipFromFinland and EdiSolMsg.MessageType = 'IFTMBF') and
invalidated = 0 Order By MessageTime desc
After a small simplification:
Select Bold_Id, (Select Parcel.MCurrentStates From Parcel
where ScaniaEdiSolMessage.ReceivingOwner = Parcel.Bold_Id) From ScaniaEdiSolMessage
Where MessageType = 'IFTMBP' and not Exists (Select * From ScaniaEdiSolMessage
EdiSolMsg Where EdiSolMsg.ChassieNumber = ScaniaEdiSolMessage.ChassieNumber and
EdiSolMsg.ShipFromFinland = ScaniaEdiSolMessage.ShipFromFinland and
EdiSolMsg.MessageType = 'IFTMBF') and invalidated = 0
NOTE: There are 2 cases for MessageType, 'IFTMBP' and 'IFTMBF'.
So the table to be listed is ScaniaEdiSolMessage.
It has attributes like:
MessageType: String
ChassiNumber: String
ShipFromFinland: Boolean
Invalidated: Boolean
It has also a link to table Parcel named ReceivingOwner with BoldId as key.
So it seems like it list all rows of ScaniaEdiSolMessage and then have a subquery that also list all rows of ScaniaEdiSolMessage and name it EdiSolMsg. Then it exclude almost all rows. In fact the query above give one hit from 28000 records.
In OCL it is easy to list all instances:
Also easy to filter rows by select for example:
ScaniaEdiSolMessage.allinstances->select(shipFromFinland and not invalidated)
But I do not understand how I should make a OCL to match the SQL above.
Listen to Gabriel and Stephanie, learn more SQL.
You state that you want to make the code more maintainable, yet the number of developers who understand SQL is greater by far than the number of developers who understand OCL.
If you leave the project tomorrow after converting this to OCL, the chances that you'd be able to find someone who could maintain the OCL are very slim. However, the chances that you could find someone to maintain the SQL are very high.
Don't try to fit a square peg in a round hole just because you're good with round hammers :)
There is a project, Dresden OCL, that might help you.
Dresden OCL provides a set of tools to parse and evaluate OCL constraints on various models like UML, EMF and Java. Furthermore Dresden OCL provides tools for Java/AspectJ and SQL code generation. The tools of Dresden OCL can be either used as a library for other project or as a plug-in project that extends Eclipse with OCL support.
I haven't used it, but there is a demo showing how the tool generates SQL from a model and OCL constraints. I realize you're asking for the opposite, but maybe using this you can figure it out. There is also a paper that describes OCL->SQL transformations by the same people.
With MDriven (successor of Bold for Delphi) I would do it like this:
When working with OCL to SQL everything becomes easier if you think about the different set's of information you need to check - and then use ocl operators as ->intersection to find the set you are after.
So in your case you might have a set like this:
ScaniaEdiSolMessage.allinstances->select(shipFromFinland and not invalidated)
but you also have a set like this:
ScaniaEdiSolMessage.allinstances->select(m|m.ReceivingOwner.MessageType = 'IFTMBP')
And you further more have this criteria:
Parcel.allinstances->select(p|p.Messages->exists(m|m.MessageType = 'IFTMBF')).Messages
If all these Sets have the same result type (collection of ScaniaEdiSolMessage) you can simply intersect them to get your desired result
ScaniaEdiSolMessage.allinstances->select(shipFromFinland and not invalidated)
->intersection(ScaniaEdiSolMessage.allinstances->select(m|m.ReceivingOwner.MessageType = 'IFTMBP'))
->intersection(Parcel.allinstances->select(p|p.Messages->exists(m|m.MessageType = 'IFTMBF')).Messages
And looking at that we can reduce it a bit to:
->select(m|m.shipFromFinland and (not m.invalidated) and
(m.ReceivingOwner.MessageType = 'IFTMBP'))
p.Messages->exists(m|m.MessageType = 'IFTMBF')).Messages