I try to input NSUserDefault in Xcode6.1, it does not be recognized. Please help!
There is no image, but have you imported the Foundation framework? Place this at the top of your file:
import Foundation
I cannot seem to declare my imageView as PFImageView.
Keeps saying Use of undeclared type 'PFImageView'
In storyboard, I changed the class to PFImageView
I have imported the frameworks in the bridge file
One suggestion on the Parse forum says to do this, but not sure how to with swift:
//In AppDelegate / applicationDidLaunch add:
[PFImageView class];
After searching through the parse framework, I don't actually PFImageView in it.
For those of you still having trouble with this, I actually had to redownload the SDK and import an additional framework ParseUI
Then import into bridger:
#import <ParseUI/ParseUI.h>
Time flies and if right now on the latest Parse version, if you are using cocoaPods, add pod 'Parse/UI' to your Podfile and update.
Then you can use PFImageView again.
Alternatively, just add this to your class:
import ParseUI
While I was working with the Xcode Playground I realized sometimes I have to import Foundation although I already imported Cocoa.
Without it functions like sin, cos or lowercaseString refuse to work.
As I noticed this morning NSCharacterSet is also not available.
Why it this so?
Doesn't the Cocoa Framework already include the Foundation Framework?
At least this is what I learned during Objective-C development.
My Xcode is Version 6.1 (6A1052d)
import Cocoa
import Foundation // Does not work without this line
var resultSin = sin(M_PI)
It works just fine, see picture below.
I'm trying to use FinderApplication and so I want to import Finder.h in my code, but Xcode tell me it can not find the Finer.h.
can anybody tell me how to use FinderApplication ? my platform is mountain lion and Xcode 5.0
I don't know what a "FinderApplication" is. You may want to explain that a bit further.
Nonetheless, in order to use Finder.h, you need to ensure that the CoreServices framework is included in your Xcode project.
Don't worry about trying to import the Finder.h file directly, though. It's imported by CarbonCore, which in turn is imported by CoreServices. If you need an #import statement, just use
#import <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
and you should be good to go.
I'd like to use foundation in my Rails3 app but only the forms and grid.
When I add #import "foundation"; it all works..
But when I use #import "foundation/forms"; it crashes with the following message:
Undefined variable: "$formSpacing".
Seems like some settings are missing..
Anybody here that has experience with this ?
Thanks in advance!
$formSpacing is a foundation global.
You have to import foundation globals before you import forms.
Put this before your form import.
#import "foundation/globals";
Hi I'm trying to use the securesocket class that's suppose to be in as3, but when I try to import the flash.net.securesocket to my mxml it doesn't recognize it.
Does anyone know where or how I can add securesocket to my project?
Checkout http://code.google.com/p/as3crypto/